DELPHI XE5 UP2 运行IOS 遇到 Wrapper init failed: (null)问题的解决办法



在DELPHI XE5 UP2上放了一个按钮,输出到MAC OSX上,出现:

Wrapper init failed: (null)




What does this mean and how can I correct it?

I started getting this error today and I‘ve even tried going to a backup that used to work, and when that didn‘t work I tried creating a new Hello World app and that didn‘t work either.

This is a on a Mac-In-Cloud machine that up until today was working. The target is iOS simulator, iPhone.

This is using Delphi XE5 Update1 on Windows7. The SDK is iPhoneOS 7.0.3.



Unable to launch process on ‘‘ using the parameters from the ‘MacinCloud‘ profile.

The following error was returned: ‘Wrapper init failed: (null)‘

三、解决方案:推荐是安装Hotfix 6 或者升级到XE6


[Xcode 5.1] iOS Simulator fails with wrapper init failed (null) error

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Run of iOS app from Delphi XE5 using Simulator fails with error ‘wrapper init failed (null)‘ 
2. PAServer is started and connection succeeds from the profile.
3. Xcode update was done prior to this problem occuring, but App store shows the Xcode is installed and does run.
4. Up until this update of Xcode the simulator worked fine.

When I go to [tools] [options] SDK Manager and select iOS [Update local file cache] I get error
Directory does not exist: /Applications/

I have reinstalled PAServer but that did not help.

附 Hotfix 6 for RAD Studio, Delphi, and C++Builder XE5 Update 2的说明:

Available to registered users of Delphi XE5, C++Builder XE5, RAD Studio XE5, and Embarcadero All-Access XE

This Hotfix resolves issues with iOS apps when using iOS SDK 7.1 and Xcode 5.1.

Updated on April 17, 2014 to address the issue on Mountain Lion as well.


DELPHI XE5 UP2 运行IOS 遇到 Wrapper init failed: (null)问题的解决办法

时间: 2024-10-10 08:51:14

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