[ZOJ 3839] Poker Face (递归)



注意n<8时停止,被这个坑惨了- -以为是0停止。。


  1 #include <cstdio>
  2 #include <algorithm>
  3 #include <cstring>
  4 #include <vector>
  5 using namespace std;
  6 typedef long long LL;
  7 typedef pair<int,int> PII;
  8 typedef vector<int> vec;
  9 typedef vector<vec> mat;
 10 #define AA first
 11 #define BB second
 13 char s[2000][2000];
 15 void solve(int x,int y,int si,bool seq){
 16 //    printf("[solve]:x=%d,y=%d,si=%d\n",x,y,si);
 17     if( si==8 ){
 18 //        return;
 19         if( seq ){
 20             for(int i=x;i<x+si;i++){
 21                 if( i==x||i==x+si-1){
 22                     for(int j=y;j<y+si;j++){
 23                         s[i][j] = ‘*‘;
 24                     }
 25                 } else {
 26                     for(int j=y;j<y+si;j++){
 27                         if( (i>=x+1&&i<=x+3)&&(j<=y+2||(j>=y+5&&j<=y+7)) ) s[i][j] = ‘*‘;
 28                         else if( i==x+4&&(j==y||(j>=y+2&&j<=y+5)||j==y+7) ) s[i][j] = ‘*‘;
 29                         else if( (i==x+5||i==x+6)&&(j==y||j==y+7||j==y+2||j==y+5) ) s[i][j] = ‘*‘;
 30                         else s[i][j] = ‘ ‘;
 31                     }
 32                 }
 33             }
 34         } else {
 35             for(int i=x;i>x-si;i--){
 36                 if( i==x||i==x-si+1 ){
 37                     for(int j=y;j>y-si;j--){
 38                         s[i][j] = ‘*‘;
 39                     }
 40                 } else {
 41                     for(int j=y;j>y-si;j--){
 42                         if( (i<=x-1&&i>=x-3)&&(j>=y-2||(j<=y-5&&j>=y-7)) ) s[i][j] = ‘*‘;
 43                         else if( i==x-4&&(j==y||(j<=y-2&&j>=y-5)||j==y-7) ) s[i][j] = ‘*‘;
 44                         else if( (i==x-5||i==x-6)&&(j==y||j==y-7||j==y-2||j==y-5) ) s[i][j] = ‘*‘;
 45                         else s[i][j] = ‘ ‘;
 46                     }
 47                 }
 48             }
 49         }
 50         return;
 51     }
 52     if( seq ){
 53         for(int i=x;i<x+si;i++ ){
 54             if( i==x||i==x+si-1 ){
 55                 for(int j=y;j<y+si;j++){
 56                     s[i][j] = ‘*‘;
 57                 }
 58             } else {
 59                 for(int j=y;j<y+si;j++){
 60                     if( j==y||j==y+si-1 ) s[i][j] = ‘*‘;
 61                     else if( (i==x+si/8||i==x+si/8+si/4)&&((j>=y+si/8&&j<=y+si/8+si/4-1)||(j<=y+si-si/8-1&&j>=y+si-si/8-si/4)) ) {
 62                         s[i][j] = ‘*‘;
 63                     }
 64                     else if( (i>x+si/8&&i<x+si/8+si/4)&&(j==y+si/8||j==y+si/8+si/4-1||j==y+si-si/8-1||j==y+si-si/8-si/4) ) s[i][j] = ‘*‘;
 65                     else s[i][j] = ‘ ‘;
 66                 }
 67             }
 68         }
 69         solve(x+si-1,y+si-si/4-1,si/2,!seq);
 70     } else {
 71         for(int i=x;i>x-si;i-- ){
 72             if( i==x||i==x-si+1 ){
 73                 for(int j=y;j>y-si;j--){
 74                     s[i][j] = ‘*‘;
 75                 }
 76             } else {
 77                 for(int j=y;j>y-si;j--){
 78                     if( j==y||j==y-si+1 ) s[i][j] = ‘*‘;
 79                     else if( (i==x-si/8||i==x-si/8-si/4)&&((j<=y-si/8&&j>=y-si/8-si/4+1)||(j>=y-si+si/8+1&&j<=y-si+si/8+si/4)) ) {
 80                         s[i][j] = ‘*‘;
 81                     }
 82                     else if( (i<x-si/8&&i>x-si/8-si/4)&&(j==y-si/8||j==y-si/8-si/4+1||j==y-si+si/8+1||j==y-si+si/8+si/4) ) s[i][j] = ‘*‘;
 83                     else s[i][j] = ‘ ‘;
 84                 }
 85             }
 86         }
 87         solve(x-si+1,y-si+si/4+1,si/2,!seq);
 88     }
 89 }
 91 int n;
 93 int main(){
 94     while( ~scanf("%d",&n) ){
 95         if(n < 8)break;
 96         solve(0,0,n,true);
 97         for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
 98             s[i][n] = ‘\0‘;
 99             //for(int j=0;j<n;j++){
100                 printf("%s\n",s[i]);
101           //  }
102            // puts("");
103         }
104         puts("");
105     }
106 //    solve(31,31,32,false);
108     return 0;
109 }
时间: 2024-10-05 05:01:56

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