angular2 ----字符串、对象、base64 之间的转换

1. JSON对象转化为字符串

let obj = {




let str = JSON.stringify(obj);

//结果:str = " { "name" : "Ayinger" , "sex" : "女" } ";

2. 字符串转换为JSON对象

let obj1 = JSON.parse(str);

// 结果:obj1 = { name:"Ayinger" , sex:"女" };

3. 字符串转换为base64 (编码)


  let encoder = new Buffer(Context).toString(‘base64‘);

  return encoder;


4. base64换为 字符串转(解码)


  let decoder = new Buffer(Context,‘base64‘).toString();

  return decoder;


时间: 2024-08-11 15:45:31

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