Printing Company Domestic printing with UV screen printing inks UV material well-developed dominant

UV (UV-curable) ink refers to UV light, using different wavelengths and energy ultraviolet light ink vehicle of monomer to polymer, and drying the ink film forming ink. UV inks may also belong to the ink,Booklet Printing, as the ink, they must have bright colors (except in exceptional circumstances), good printability, suitable curing drying rate. While a good adhesion, and have wear and corrosion resistance, weatherability and other characteristics.

Trends nearest decade of view, UV inks has been in a relatively fast and stable development enjoy, moving from "Sentimental" to "mature" direction, it is recognized as the world pollution-free varieties of ink.

Research institutions have done a detailed survey of its applications, the data show that the world‘s radiation curing (including EB curing and UV curing) material, the printing industry is the most important application areas. The main varieties include: UV varnish, UV screen printing ink, UV offset printing ink, UV flexo inks, UV metallic inks and UV inks electronics and so on.

In recent years, the domestic printing with UV materials is developing very fast, mainly for UV screen printing inks, in addition, there are also some UV offset inks, UV letterpress inks, UV flexo ink use very little is in the beginning and intermediate stages.

时间: 2024-10-15 21:35:17

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