HNU 13377 Book Club (最大流 判环)

Book Club
Time Limit: 5000ms, Special Time Limit:12500ms,
Memory Limit:65536KB
Total submit users: 34, Accepted users:
Problem 13377 : No special judgement
Problem description

Porto’s book club is buzzing with excitement for the annual book exchange event! Every year, members bring their favorite book and try to find another book they like that is owned by someone willing to trade with them.

I have been to this book exchange before, and I definitely do not want to miss it this year, but I feel that the trading should be improved. In the past, pairs of members interested in each other’s books would simply trade: imagine that person A brought a book
that person B liked and vice-versa, then A and B would exchange their books.

I then realized that many members were left with the same book they walked-in with... If instead of looking for pairs I looked for triplets, I could find more valid exchanges! Imagine that member A only likes member B’s book, while B only likes C’s book and
C likes A’s book. These 3 people could trade their books in a cycle and everyone would be happy!

But why stop at triplets? Cycles could be bigger and bigger! Could you help me find if it is possible for everyone to go out with a new book? Be careful, because members will not give their book without receiving one they like in return.

Given the members of the book club and the books they like, can we find cycles so that everyone receives a new book?


The first line has two integers: N, the number of people, and M, the total number of “declarations of interest”. Each of the following M lines has two integers, A and B, indicating that member A likes the book that member B brought (0<=A,B < N). Numbers
A and B will never be the same (a member never likes the book he brought). 2<=N<=10 000

1<=M<=20 000 and M<=N^2-N.


You should output YES if we can find a new book for every club member and NO if that is not possible.

Sample Input
9 9
0 1
1 2
2 0
3 4
4 3
5 6
6 7
7 8
8 5
Sample Output
Problem Source
HNU Contest


using namespace std;
#define captype int

const int MAXN = 100010;   //点的总数
const int MAXM = 400010;    //边的总数
const int INF = 1<<30;
struct EDG{
    int to,next;
    captype cap,flow;
} edg[MAXM];
int eid,head[MAXN];
int gap[MAXN];  //每种距离(或可认为是高度)点的个数
int dis[MAXN];  //每个点到终点eNode 的最短距离
int cur[MAXN];  //cur[u] 表示从u点出发可流经 cur[u] 号边
int pre[MAXN];

void init(){
//有向边 三个参数,无向边4个参数
void addEdg(int u,int v,captype c,captype rc=0){
    edg[eid].to=v; edg[eid].next=head[u];
    edg[eid].cap=c; edg[eid].flow=0; head[u]=eid++;

    edg[eid].to=u; edg[eid].next=head[v];
    edg[eid].cap=rc; edg[eid].flow=0; head[v]=eid++;
captype maxFlow_sap(int sNode,int eNode, int n){//n是包括源点和汇点的总点个数,这个一定要注意
    pre[sNode] = -1;
    captype ans=0;  //最大流
    int u=sNode;
    while(dis[sNode]<n){   //判断从sNode点有没有流向下一个相邻的点
        if(u==eNode){   //找到一条可增流的路
            captype Min=INF ;
            int inser;
            for(int i=pre[u]; i!=-1; i=pre[edg[i^1].to])    //从这条可增流的路找到最多可增的流量Min
            for(int i=pre[u]; i!=-1; i=pre[edg[i^1].to]){
                edg[i^1].flow-=Min;  //可回流的边的流量
        bool flag = false;  //判断能否从u点出发可往相邻点流
        int v;
        for(int i=cur[u]; i!=-1; i=edg[i].next){
            if(edg[i].cap-edg[i].flow>0 && dis[u]==dis[v]+1){
        int Mind= n;
        for(int i=head[u]; i!=-1; i=edg[i].next)
        if(edg[i].cap-edg[i].flow>0 && Mind>dis[edg[i].to]){
        if(gap[dis[u]]==0) return ans;  //当dis[u]这种距离的点没有了,也就不可能从源点出发找到一条增广流路径
        if(u!=sNode) u=edg[pre[u]^1].to;  //退一条边
    return ans;
int main()
    int n,m , u , v;
            addEdg(u , v+n , 1);
        int vs = 2*n , vt=2*n+1 , ans=n;
        for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
            addEdg(vs , i , 1);
            addEdg(i+n , vt , 1);
        ans -= maxFlow_sap(vs , vt , vt+1);
        printf("%s\n",ans==0? "YES" : "NO");


时间: 2024-10-28 17:52:50

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