crt r6034


  An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library without using a manifest. This is an unsupported way to load Visual C++ DLLs. You need to modify your application to build with a manifest. For more information, see the "Visual C++ Libraries as Shared Side-by-Side Assemblies" topic in the product documentation.


  Rebuild your application with a manifest.

怎么 Rebuild your application with a manifest. :

  Generation of a manifest file for a particular project can be controlled in the project Property Pages dialog. On the Configuration Properties tab, click Linker, then Manifest File, then Generate Manifest. By default the project properties of new projects are set to generate a manifest file. However it is possible to disable generation of the manifest for a project using the Generate Manifest property of the project. When this property is set toYes, the manifest for this project is generated. Otherwise the linker ignores assembly information when resolving dependencies of the application code, and does not generate the manifest.

时间: 2024-10-09 01:29:30

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