Remove the duplicate values in Java code


 1  List<String> criteriaList = new ArrayList<String>();
 2  EfsnCompanyCriteria companyCriteria = new EfsnCompanyCriteria(user.getCompanyId(),
 3                                                                EfsnCompanyCriteria.CRITERIA1,
 4                                                                con);
 5  EfsnCompanyCriteria mpCompanyCriteria = new EfsnCompanyCriteria(user.getCompanyId(),
 6                                                                  EfsnCompanyCriteria.CRITERIA2,
 7                                                                  con);
 8  EfsnCompanyCriteria secCompanyCriteria = new EfsnCompanyCriteria(user.getCompanyId(),
 9                                                                   EfsnCompanyCriteria.CRITERIA3,
10                                                                   con);
11  criteriaList.addAll(companyCriteria.getListOfPlanLevels());
12  criteriaList.addAll(mpCompanyCriteria.getListOfPlanLevels());
13  criteriaList.addAll(secCompanyCriteria.getListOfPlanLevels());





1 HashSet<String> criterSet  = new HashSet<String>(criteriaList);  //new了一个set集合对象,然后将上面得到的criteriaList放入到里面,此时虽说criteriaList中有重复的元素,但是这时候得到    的criterSet中是不存在重复值的,不知道这是不是set的特性(在内部的处理机制),明天问下公司大神。
2         criteriaList.clear();
3         criteriaList.addAll(criterSet);  //clear()和addAll()。


时间: 2025-01-14 22:45:06

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