Epic - Desirable Number

A number is called ‘desirable‘ if all thedigits are strictly ascending eg: 159 as 1<5<9. You know that your rivalhas a strictly numeric password that is ‘desirable‘. Your close ally has givenyou the number of digits (N) in your rival‘s password. WAP th\hjtat takes in‘N‘ as input and prints out all possible ‘desirable‘ numbers that can be formedwith N digits.


def bfs(remain,start,string)
  if remain == 0
    @ans << string
    (start..9).each { |i| bfs(remain-1, i+1, string + i.to_s)}

def desire_number(n)
  @ans = []

循环:用两个数组分别保存i-1的情况和i的情况 i from 1 to n

def desire_number(n) return 0 if n == 0
  a = [‘1‘]
  (n-1).times do
    b = []
    a.each {|x| (x[-1].to_i..9).each{|y| b << x+y.to_s}}
    a = b
时间: 2024-07-29 07:42:11

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