Python Web 应用程序框架 Django 1.10.1 发布,bug修复

Django 1.10.1 发布了,Django 是 Python 编程语言驱动的一个开源模型-视图-控制器(MVC)风格的 Web 应用程序框架(腾云科技TY300.COM)。使用 Django,我们在几分钟之内就可以创建高品质、易维护、数据库驱动的应用程序(勤快学QKXue.NET)。



Fixed a crash in MySQL connections where SELECT @@SQL_AUTO_IS_NULL doesn’t return a result (#26991).
Allowed User.is_authenticated and User.is_anonymous properties to be compared using ==, !=, and | (#26988, #27154).
Removed the broken BaseCommand.usage() method which was for optparse support (#27000).
Fixed a checks framework crash with an empty Meta.default_permissions (#26997).
Fixed a regression in the number of queries when using RadioSelect with a ModelChoiceField form field (#27001).
Fixed a crash if request.META[‘CONTENT_LENGTH‘] is an empty string (#27005).
Fixed the isnull lookup on a ForeignKey with its to_field pointing to a CharField or pointing to a CharField defined with primary_key=True (#26983).
Prevented the migrate command from raising InconsistentMigrationHistory in the presence of unapplied squashed migrations (#27004).
Fixed a regression in Client.force_login() which required specifying a backend rather than automatically using the first one if multiple backends are configured (#27027).
Made QuerySet.bulk_create() properly initialize model instances on backends, such as PostgreSQL, that support returning the IDs of the created records so that many-to-many relationships can be used on the new objects (#27026).
Fixed crash of django.views.static.serve() with show_indexes enabled (#26973).
Fixed ClearableFileInput to avoid the required HTML attribute when initial data exists (#27037).
Fixed annotations with database functions when combined with lookups on PostGIS (#27014).
Reallowed the {% for %} tag to unpack any iterable (#27058).
Made makemigrations skip inconsistent history checks on non-default databases if database routers aren’t in use or if no apps can be migrated to the database (#27054, #27110, #27142).
Removed duplicated managers in Model._meta.managers (#27073).
Fixed contrib.admindocs crash when a view is in a class, such as some of the admin views (#27018).
Reverted a few admin checks that checked field.many_to_many back to isinstance(field, models.ManyToManyField) since it turned out the checks weren’t suitable to be generalized like that (#26998).
Added the database alias to the InconsistentMigrationHistory message raised by makemigrations and migrate (#27089).
Fixed the creation of ContentType and Permission objects for models of applications without migrations when calling the migrate command with no migrations to apply (#27044).
Included the already applied migration state changes in the Apps instance provided to the pre_migrate signal receivers to allow ContentType renaming to be performed on model rename (#27100).
Reallowed subclassing UserCreationForm without USERNAME_FIELD in Meta.fields (#27111).
Fixed a regression in model forms where model fields with a default that didn’t appear in POST data no longer used the default (#27039).

时间: 2024-08-28 06:11:15

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前言: 注:如果需要得到支持批Python3.x以及包含了勘误表,附录,和说明的更新版规范,请查看PEP 3333 摘要: 这篇文档详细说明了一套在web服务器与Python web应用程序(web框架)之间的已提出的标准接口,从而方便web应用在各种web服务器之间的移植. 理论和目标 Python世界目前拥有各种各样的web应用框架,仅举几例比如 Zope, Quixote, Webware, SkunkWeb, PSO, and Twisted Web 等[1],对于新手来说面对如此多的选