【SDK】Memory read error at 0xF8007080

sdk 2017.2

报错:Memory read error at 0xF8007080. AHB AP transaction error, DAP status f0000021


devcfg_v3_4 的doc描述上介绍,在xdevcfg.h文件中也有注解:

the device donfiguration interface has three main functionality

1. AXI-PCAP(负责下载bitstream文件到FPGA)

2. Security Policy

3. XADC(暂不包含,有单独的XADC driver)


时间: 2024-11-04 12:06:34

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封装函数位于bsp文件下xgpiops.h void XGpioPs_SetDirection(XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u8 Bank, u32 Direction);// 设置IO的in/out方向 void XGpioPs_SetOutputEnable(XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u8 Bank, u32 OpEnable);// 设置out使能 void XGpioPs_WritePin(XGpioPs *InstancePtr, u32 Pin, u