使用cocapods报错 [!] Your Podfile has had smart quotes sanitised. To avoid issues in the future, you should not use TextEdit for editing it. If you are not using TextEdit, you should turn off smart quotes




2、Podfile 的内容语法格式有问题

1. cd 进入到工程目录

2.vim podfile 。进入到podfile文件中,对podfile文件进行编辑

3.按  i  键,进入编辑状态

4. 在pod ‘ ’ v2.0.2 最上面添加一行命令   target ‘xxxxx‘ do  , xxxxx代表工程的名字。

5.在pod ‘ ’ v2.0.2 最下面添加一行命令    end

6.按键ESC,输入命令 :wq  ,保存并退出

7. 再  pod install  即可。

时间: 2024-12-14 11:14:17

使用cocapods报错 [!] Your Podfile has had smart quotes sanitised. To avoid issues in the future, you should not use TextEdit for editing it. If you are not using TextEdit, you should turn off smart quotes的相关文章

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