expression tree to string

/ \
1 *
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5 6


struct TreeNode
    TreeNode * left, *right;
    string val;
    TreeNode(string i) :val(i), left(NULL), right(NULL){}

bool IsOperator(const string & c)
    if (c.length() > 1 || (c[0] >= ‘0‘ && c[0] <= ‘9‘))
        return false;
    return true;

string ExpressionTreeToString(TreeNode * node)
    if (node == NULL)
        return "";
    string ret = node->val;
    if (IsOperator(node->val))
        if (node->left)
            if (IsOperator(node->left->val))
                ret.insert(0, "(" + ExpressionTreeToString(node->left) + ")");
                ret.insert(0, ExpressionTreeToString(node->left));
        if (node->right){
            if (IsOperator(node->right->val))
                ret += "(" + ExpressionTreeToString(node->right) + ")";
                ret += ExpressionTreeToString(node->right);
    return ret;
时间: 2024-10-06 16:36:33

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