Type parameter

Type will be erased by compiler.

Compiler warning message:

Warning:(21, 13) non-variable type argument Int in type pattern A[Int] is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
    case a: A[Int] => println("Int" + a.getClass)
Warning:(22, 13) non-variable type argument scala.util.Try[Int] in type pattern A[scala.util.Try[Int]] is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
    case a: A[Try[Int]] => println("TryInt" + a.getClass)


Intclass AInt
Intclass ATryInt


import scala.util.Try

trait A[T] {


class AInt extends A[Int] {


class ATryInt extends A[Try[Int]]

object Test extends App {
  val a = new AInt()
  val aTryInt = new ATryInt()


  def p[T](a: A[T]) = a match {
    case a: A[Int] => println("Int" + a.getClass)
    case a: A[Try[Int]] => println("TryInt" + a.getClass)
时间: 2024-12-29 16:04:57

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