delphi idhttpsever

delphi idhttpsever

2015-12-07 11:36 216人阅读 评论(0) 收藏 举报


Web(57)  Delphi(54) 


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  1. unit main;
  2. interface
  3. uses
  4. Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
  5. Dialogs, IdBaseComponent,IdContext ,IdComponent, IdCustomTCPServer, IdCustomHTTPServer,
  6. IdHTTPServer, StdCtrls;
  7. type
  8. TForm_main = class(TForm)
  9. IdHTTPServer1: TIdHTTPServer;
  10. Button_StartServer: TButton;
  11. Edit_Port: TEdit;
  12. Label1: TLabel;
  13. Label2: TLabel;
  14. Edit_Ip: TEdit;
  15. Button_stop: TButton;
  16. Label3: TLabel;
  17. Edit_RootDir: TEdit;
  18. Edit_index: TEdit;
  19. Label4: TLabel;
  20. procedure Button_StartServerClick(Sender: TObject);
  21. procedure Button_stopClick(Sender: TObject);
  22. procedure IdHTTPServer1CommandGet(AContext: TIdContext;
  23. ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo);
  24. private
  25. { Private declarations }
  26. public
  27. { Public declarations }
  28. end;
  29. var
  30. Form_main: TForm_main;
  31. implementation
  32. var
  33. RootDir:string;
  34. URL:string;
  35. {$R *.dfm}
  36. procedure TForm_main.Button_StartServerClick(Sender: TObject);
  37. begin
  38. try
  39. IdHTTPServer1.Bindings.Clear;
  40. //要绑定的端口,一定设置此项,这是真正要绑定的端口;
  41. IdHTTPServer1.DefaultPort:=strtoint(trim(edit_port.Text));
  42. IdHTTPServer1.Bindings.Add.IP := trim(edit_Ip.Text);
  43. //启动服务器
  44. IdHTTPServer1.Active := True;
  45. except
  46. showmessage(‘启动失败!‘);
  47. end;
  48. RootDir:=trim(edit_rootDir.Text);
  49. URL:=‘http://‘+trim(edit_Ip.Text)+trim(edit_port.Text)+‘/‘;
  50. end;
  51. procedure TForm_main.Button_stopClick(Sender: TObject);
  52. begin
  53. IdHTTPServer1.Active := false;
  54. end;
  55. procedure TForm_main.IdHTTPServer1CommandGet(AContext: TIdContext;
  56. ARequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; AResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo);
  57. var
  58. LFilename: string;
  59. LPathname: string;
  60. zhongwen:string;
  61. begin
  62. //浏览器请求http://
  63. //ARequestInfo.Document  返回    /index.html
  64. //ARequestInfo.QueryParams 返回  a=1b=2
  65. //ARequestInfo.Params.Values[‘name‘]   接收get,post过来的数据
  66. ////webserver发文件
  67. {LFilename := ARequestInfo.Document;
  68. if LFilename = ‘/‘ then
  69. begin
  70. LFilename := ‘/‘+trim(edit_index.Text);
  71. end;
  72. LPathname := RootDir + LFilename;
  73. if FileExists(LPathname) then
  74. begin
  75. AResponseInfo.ContentStream := TFileStream.Create(LPathname, fmOpenRead + fmShareDenyWrite);//发文件
  76. end
  77. else begin
  78. AResponseInfo.ResponseNo := 404;
  79. AResponseInfo.ContentText := ‘找不到‘ + ARequestInfo.Document;
  80. end;}
  81. //发html文件
  82. {AResponseInfo.ContentEncoding:=‘utf-8‘;
  83. AResponseInfo.ContentType :=‘text/html‘;
  84. AResponseInfo.ContentText:=‘<html><body>好</body></html>‘; }
  85. //发xml文件
  86. {AResponseInfo.ContentType :=‘text/xml‘;
  87. AResponseInfo.ContentText:=‘<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>‘
  88. +‘<students>‘
  89. +‘<student sex = "male"><name>‘+AnsiToUtf8(‘陈‘)+‘</name><age>14</age></student>‘
  90. +‘<student sex = "female"><name>bb</name><age>16</age></student>‘
  91. +‘</students>‘;}
  92. //下载文件时,直接从网页打开而没有弹出保存对话框的问题解决
  93. //AResponseInfo.CustomHeaders.Values[‘Content-Disposition‘] :=‘attachment; filename="‘+文件名+‘"‘;
  94. //替换 IIS
  95. {AResponseInfo.Server:=‘IIS/6.0‘;
  96. AResponseInfo.CacheControl:=‘no-cache‘;
  97. AResponseInfo.Pragma:=‘no-cache‘;
  98. AResponseInfo.Date:=Now;}
  99. end;
  100. end.
时间: 2024-12-28 20:23:37

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