《财富》最具影响力女性内部网络(MPW Insider)是一个在线社区,在此,商界大腕及时回答关于职业生涯和领导力的问题。本周的问题是:女性如何才能进入最高管理层?由Omnilife公司首席执行官安赫丽卡•富恩特斯作答。 我之前给《财富》(Fortune)撰文时就写到,拉丁美洲极少有首席执行官是女性。所以“女性如何才能进入最高管理层”这个问题提得特别好,我希望有越来越多的人提出这个问题。在我自己进入最高管理层的过程中,我获到了以下宝贵经验: 比身边所有人都更努力 我对英国前首相撒切尔夫人(UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher)仰慕已久,她曾说:“我从没听说过有谁不经努力工作就获得了成功。”对于希望成为公司最高管理层的女性而言,尤其是如此。我第一份工作是在家族的能源企业,我很快发现,要获得职业发展,我必须比周围的人加倍努力工作,而我身边大部分都是男性。所以,在早期,我周末会去办公室,潜心钻研预算和财务状况。我的额外努力赢得了同事以及公司管理层的尊重。我也得以从战略高度上了解企业。最终,这帮助我坐上了首席执行官的位置。 不要害怕失败 对失败的恐惧,常常会阻碍我们前进的步伐。对商界女性以及潜在的女性创业者而言,这种患得患失的心态是成功的障碍,在拉丁美洲尤其是如此。硅谷“快速失败”(“fail fast”)的文化,尚未传到墨西哥城、布宜诺斯艾利斯以及波哥大等地。但要想成为最高管理层,就必须敢于冒险。最近,我有幸主持了与百事可乐(PepsiCo)首席执行官卢英德的一次对话,她说:“我母亲总说,梦想要远大,你会成为了不起的人。”这句话棒极了,等我两个女儿长大时,我也将与她们分享这句话,因为伟大的梦想能帮助我们克服最大的恐惧。 忠于自我 升入最高管理层或是守住你的位置,决不应以牺牲自身价值观、愿景以及个人要务为代价。十年前,我发现,我与董事会对于我们能源公司未来的愿景不一致。于是,我辞去了首席执行官一职,尽管我不知道接下来等待我的会是什么,也不知道我还能不能再进入最高管理层。事实证明,这是我这辈子做过的最佳决策之一。我很幸运,在一家伟大的企业重新做到了首席执行官,这家企业的数千名女性员工每天激励着我。(财富中文网) 译者:Hunter 校稿:李翔 |
MPW Insider is one of several online communities where the biggest names in business answer timely career and leadership questions. Today’s answer for: How can women rise to the C-suite? is written by Angélica Fuentes, CEO of Omnilife. As I wrote in a previous article for Fortune, Latin America has very few female CEOs. So this question really hits home and is one that I hope to hear asked more and more. Here are a few valuable lessons I have learned in my own journey to the C-suite: Outwork everyone around you As former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, a woman I have long admired, said, “I do not know anyone who has got to the top without hard work.” This is especially true for women who hope to rise to the C-suite of a company. My first job was in my family’s energy business and I quickly found that career advancement required me to work twice as hard as those around me, most of whom were men. So early on, I would go to the director general’s office on weekends and immerse myself in budgeting and financials. This kind of extra effort earned the respect of my colleagues and management. It allowed me to see the business more strategically. And ultimately, it put me on a path to become CEO. Don’t be afraid to fail We are often held back by fear of failure. This mindset is a barrier to success for businesswomen and potential female entrepreneurs, particularly in Latin America. The “fail fast” culture of Silicon Valley has been slow to make its way to places like Mexico City, Buenos Aires and Bogotá. But you’ve got to take risks to make it to the C-suite. I recently had the privilege to moderate a conversation with PepsiCo PEP 0.25% CEO IndraNooyi, and she said, “my mother always said dream big and you’ll be something.’” That’s great advice that I’ll be sharing with my two daughters as they grow up, because big dreams can help you overcome big fears. Be true to yourself Rising to the C-suite – or staying there – should never come at the expense of staying true to your values, vision and personal priorities. Ten years ago, I found my vision and my board’s vision regarding the future of our energy company were not the same. So I left my position as CEO, not knowing what would be next or if I would ever rise to the C-suite again. This turned out to be one of the best decisions I ever made. I’ve been fortunate to find my way back to the top of a great company – one that includes thousands of women who inspire me every day. |