Triple-Belt Press Thickening Dehydrating Belt Press

Many people who transition from 35mm film to a smaller digital camera are
surprised to find that many of their digital images are blurry. The underlying
cause is a slow shutter speed, which allows the camera to move during the
exposure. The effect seems to be more troublesome for those using small,
lightweight automatic digital cameras because: - The cameras are smaller and
lighter than the photographer PD
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is used to. While a lightweight
camera is much easier to take along in a pocket or purse, the small size is
harder to hold steady than an old fashioned, heavy 35mm SLR camera. - Auto
exposure settings may use a slower shutter speed than you would otherwise
select. The slower the shutter speed, the greater the chance of moving the
camera when shooting. - We tend to take less time composing a shot with a small,
auto-everything camera. Shooting from a moving car or trying to capture a
fleeting moment is easier when you don‘t have to focus and set the aperture and
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shutter speed manually, but
this ease comes at a cost. Remember to steady the camera when you press the
shutter release. - Smaller cameras are more susceptible to being shaken if the
shutter release is ‘jabbed‘ instead of pressed smoothly. You can take
wonderfully sharp, clear pictures with your small digital, but universal rules
that have been followed for years still apply. Here are some hints that will
help you get the sharpest pictures possible and reduce or eliminate camera shake
when using your small digital camera: 1. Remember that the camera needs to be
held as steady as possible. If you are shooting in any light other than bright
direct sunlight, steady the camera by any means possible. A tripod or monopod
will provide the steadiest camera support, but using any stationary object
(wall, chair, etc.) will be a big help. If there is nothing available to use as
a support, place your belt filter
elbows against your body and hold your breath as you press the shutter
release. 2. Practice pressing the shutter release gently. Many people tend to
jab at the button, which can shake the camera. Gradually increase the pressure
on the shutter release until the picture is taken. 3. Increase the ISO. Many
digital cameras allow you to set the ‘film speed‘ (ISO). Use 400, or even 1000
to get the fastest shutter speed possible. Remember that the faster the shutter
speed, the grainier the picture. 4. Use a shutter speed at least as fast as the
focal length of the lens. Generally speaking, you‘ll want to use a shutter speed
at least as fast as the focal length of the lens on your camera. If you‘re using
a focal length of 55mm, be sure the shutter speed is at least 1/60 second.
You‘ll see an improvement in the sharpness of your digital pictures if you are
aware that small lightweight cameras are especially prone to camera shake.
Follow the simple suggestions above and shoot away!

Triple-Belt Press Thickening Dehydrating Belt Press,布布扣,

时间: 2024-08-19 05:16:32

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