urlrewritingnet 域名http状态302 问题(转)

UrlRewritingNet is an Url rewriting tool for ASP .Net and Elmahis a module for logging unhandled errors.

UrlRewritingNet can set a default location for “directory” requests via defaultPage property in <urlrewritingnet> section. When a file without extension is requested the defaultPage value is appended to the original URL.

Elmah provides a handler for getting the errors summary, usually called elmah.axd. This handler also responds to the followings requests:

/elmah.axd/rss – RSS errors list feed

/elmah.axd/digestrss – RSS digest

/elmah.axd/download –  comma separated errors list

/elmah.axd/about – about page

/elmah.axd/stylesheet – the stylesheet used

/elmah.axd/detail?id=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX – html single error summary

/elmah.axd/xml?id=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX – xml single  error summary

/elmah.axd/json?id=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX – json single error summary

These requests are like a request for a file with no extension. This is why the  UrlRewritingNet adds the defaultPage value which leads to the 404 Http response. First sign of this behavior is when the generated  html does not contain any CSS style applied.

To fix this situation I simply removed the defaultPage attribute from <urlrewritingnet>.

Now if the default page is not set on IIS, then will get an error when the web site is accessed only by the domain name. This situation was handled by  UrlRewritingNet, but in not a proper way, because it returns a 302 Http response(302 Found) with the location set by the defaultPage attribute value, and I think is not the best solution to give the first page when is about SEO. The drawback when the defaultPage attribute is removed is when the directories in the web site are accessed, it will give a 403.14 – Forbidden(IIS 7). But this can be handled by UrlRewritingNet using a custom UrlRewritingProvider.

During developing this custom provider I noticed it would be better to set and the HttpStatus when the url‘s are rewriten. So I added a new attribute to the <add/> node called httpStatusCode.

Creating a new UrlRewriterNet is very simple:

public class RootProvider : UrlRewritingProvider


public override RewriteRule CreateRewriteRule()


return new RootRule();



The class RootRule does all the logic:

public class RootRule : RewriteRule


public override void Initialize(UrlRewritingNet.Configuration.RewriteSettings rewriteSettings)



VirtualUrl = rewriteSettings.GetAttribute("virtualUrl", "");

DestinationUrl = rewriteSettings.GetAttribute("destinationUrl", "");

HttpStatusCode = rewriteSettings.GetAttribute("httpStatusCode", "");


public override bool IsRewrite(string requestUrl)


return requestUrl == VirtualUrl;


public override string RewriteUrl(string url)


if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpStatusCode))


HttpStatusCodeHandler handler = null;

switch (HttpStatusCode)


case "404" :

handler = new _404Handler(DestinationUrl);


case "301":

handler = new _301Handler(DestinationUrl);


case "302":

handler = new _302Handler(DestinationUrl);



handler = new NotImplementedHandler(DestinationUrl);




return null;


return DestinationUrl;


public string VirtualUrl { get; set; }

public string DestinationUrl { get; set; }

public string HttpStatusCode { get; set; }


The  RootRule class instantiates a specific handler, depending by the http status code.

I created a base class to define the model of how a status code could be handled.

public class HttpStatusCodeHandler {

protected string destinationUrl;

protected HttpStatusCodeHandler() { }

public HttpStatusCodeHandler(string DestinationUrl) {

destinationUrl = DestinationUrl;


public virtual void Execute() {

throw new NotImplementedHttpStatusException();



For sample when a directory is accessed it can be used a 404 response.

public sealed class _404Handler : HttpStatusCodeHandler


private _404Handler() { }

public _404Handler(string DestinationUrl) : base(DestinationUrl) { }

public override void Execute()



HttpContext.Current.Response.Status = "404 Not Found";

HttpContext.Current.Response.StatusDescription = "Not Found";





The 302 and 301 reponses needs to add the Location in the header response. The location contains the new URL where the old resource exists now.

public sealed class _302Handler : HttpStatusCodeHandler


private _302Handler() { }

public _302Handler(string DestinationUrl) : base(DestinationUrl) { }

public override void Execute()



HttpContext.Current.Response.Status = "302 Found";

HttpContext.Current.Response.StatusDescription = "Found";

HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Location", destinationUrl);




public sealed class _301Handler : HttpStatusCodeHandler


private _301Handler() { }

public _301Handler(string DestinationUrl) : base(DestinationUrl) { }

public override void Execute()



HttpContext.Current.Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently";

HttpContext.Current.Response.StatusDescription = "Moved Permanently";

HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Location", destinationUrl);




public sealed class NotImplementedHandler : HttpStatusCodeHandler


private NotImplementedHandler() { }

public NotImplementedHandler(string DestinationUrl) : base(DestinationUrl) { }

public override void Execute()


throw new NotImplementedHttpStatusException();



public class NotImplementedHttpStatusException : Exception


public override string Message




return "NotIplementedHttpStatusException";




Now in the RewriteRule section I define some rules:

to define a default page when the folder “products” is accessed

<add name="products" virtualUrl="/products/" destinationUrl="/products/latest_products.asp" httpStatusCode="302"rewriteUrlParameter="ExcludeFromClientQueryString" ignoreCase="true" provider="RootProvider"/>

to say that a page is permanently moved and the new location is other page

<add name="about" virtualUrl="/pages.asp?func=get_content&amp;page_id=1" destinationUrl="/about.asp" httpStatusCode="301"rewriteUrlParameter="IncludeQueryStringForRewrite" ignoreCase="true" provider="RootProvider"/>

These redirects are very helpful when you want to keep the search engines rankings.


时间: 2024-10-12 21:37:38

urlrewritingnet 域名http状态302 问题(转)的相关文章


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Nginx 301重定向域名

为何要使用301重定向 在网站建设中需要网页重定向的情况很多:如网页目录结构变动,网页重命名.网页的扩展名改变.网站域名改变等.如果不做重定向,用户的收藏和搜索引擎数据库中的旧地址只能让访客得到一个404错误信息页面,访问流量白白丧失.不仅如此,之前该页面的一切积累(比如PR值)就都白费了. 301重定向不仅能使页面实现自动跳转,对于搜索引擎来说,也可能可以传递PR值. nginx重定向规则详细介绍 http://www.jefflei.com/post/1015.html rewrite命令n


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Continue 等效于 HTTP 状态 100.Continue 指示客户端可能继续其请求. SwitchingProtocols 等效于 HTTP 状态 101.SwitchingProtocols 指示正在更改协议版本或协议. OK 等效于 HTTP 状态 200.OK 指示请求成功,且请求的信息包含在响应中.这是最常接收的状态代码. Created 等效于 HTTP 状态 201.Created 指示请求导致在响应被发送前创建新资源. Accepted 等效于 HTTP 状态 202.A


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转自:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5d73ba76010145rr.html 首先看一个完整代码示例,关于nginx 301 302跳转的. 301跳转设置: server {listen 80;server_name 123.com;rewrite ^/(.*) http://456.com/$1 permanent;access_log off;} 302跳转设置: server {listen 80;server_name 123.com;rewrite


//用户表中增加了“创建时间”user 表U_id INT 8 用户idU_name VARCHAR 50 用户名U_mail VARCHAR 50 用户主邮箱U_comment VARCHAR 100 用户描述U_vip TINYINT 4 vip tagU_creatime DATATIME 创建用户时间U_frozen DECIMAL 8,2 冻结保证金 mail 表M_id INT 8 邮箱idM_name VARCHAR 50 邮箱名M_owner INT 8 邮箱属主 domain