/** * Obtain a callback object that can be used asynchronously to re-enter the * current [[GraphStage]] with an asynchronous notification. The [[invoke()]] method of the returned * [[AsyncCallback]] is safe to be called from other threads and it will in the background thread-safely * delegate to the passed callback function. I.e. [[invoke()]] will be called by the external world and * the passed handler will be invoked eventually in a thread-safe way by the execution environment. * * This object can be cached and reused within the same [[GraphStageLogic]]. */ final def getAsyncCallback[T](handler: T ⇒ Unit): AsyncCallback[T] = { new AsyncCallback[T] { override def invoke(event: T): Unit = interpreter.onAsyncInput(GraphStageLogic.this, event, handler.asInstanceOf[Any ⇒ Unit]) } }
//external system object Injector { var callback: AsyncCallback[String] = null def inject(m: String) = { if (callback != null) callback.invoke(m) } } class InjectControl(injector: Injector.type) extends GraphStage[FlowShape[String,String]] { val inport = Inlet[String]("input") val outport = Outlet[String]("output") val shape = FlowShape.of(inport,outport) override def createLogic(inheritedAttributes: Attributes): GraphStageLogic = new GraphStageLogic(shape) { var extMessage = "" override def preStart(): Unit = { val callback = getAsyncCallback[String] { m => if (m.length > 0) m match { case "Stop" => completeStage() case s: String => extMessage = s } } injector.callback = callback } setHandler(inport, new InHandler { override def onPush(): Unit = if (extMessage.length > 0) { push(outport,extMessage) extMessage="" } else push(outport, grab(inport)) }) setHandler(outport, new OutHandler { override def onPull(): Unit = pull(inport) }) } }
上面这个例子里的object Injector模拟一个外部系统。我们重写了GraphStage InjectControl.createLogic里的preStart()函数,在这里把一个String=>Unit函数的callback登记在Injector里。这个callback函数能接受传入的String并更新内部状态extMessage,或者当传入String==“Stop"时终止数据流。在onPush()里extMessage最终会被当作流元素插入到数据流中。下面我们就构建这个GraphStage的测试运行程序:
object InteractWithStreams extends App { implicit val sys = ActorSystem("demoSys") implicit val ec = sys.dispatcher implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer( ActorMaterializerSettings(sys) .withInputBuffer(initialSize = 16, maxSize = 16) ) val source = Source(Stream.from(1)).map(_.toString).delay(1.second,DelayOverflowStrategy.backpressure) val graph = new InjectControl(Injector) val flow = Flow.fromGraph(graph) source.via(flow).to(Sink.foreach(println)).run() Thread.sleep(2000) Injector.inject("hello") Thread.sleep(2000) Injector.inject("world!") Thread.sleep(2000) Injector.inject("Stop") scala.io.StdIn.readLine() sys.terminate() }
1 2 hello 4 5 6 world! 8 9 10 Process finished with exit code 0
正确地把"hello world!"插入了一个正在运行中的数据流中并在最后终止了这个数据流。
/** * Initialize a [[StageActorRef]] which can be used to interact with from the outside world "as-if" an [[Actor]]. * The messages are looped through the [[getAsyncCallback]] mechanism of [[GraphStage]] so they are safe to modify * internal state of this stage. * * This method must (the earliest) be called after the [[GraphStageLogic]] constructor has finished running, * for example from the [[preStart]] callback the graph stage logic provides. * * Created [[StageActorRef]] to get messages and watch other actors in synchronous way. * * The [[StageActorRef]]‘s lifecycle is bound to the Stage, in other words when the Stage is finished, * the Actor will be terminated as well. The entity backing the [[StageActorRef]] is not a real Actor, * but the [[GraphStageLogic]] itself, therefore it does not react to [[PoisonPill]]. * * @param receive callback that will be called upon receiving of a message by this special Actor * @return minimal actor with watch method */ // FIXME: I don‘t like the Pair allocation :( @ApiMayChange final protected def getStageActor(receive: ((ActorRef, Any)) ⇒ Unit): StageActor = { _stageActor match { case null ⇒ val actorMaterializer = ActorMaterializerHelper.downcast(interpreter.materializer) _stageActor = new StageActor(actorMaterializer, getAsyncCallback, receive) _stageActor case existing ⇒ existing.become(receive) existing } } ... /** * The ActorRef by which this StageActor can be contacted from the outside. * This is a full-fledged ActorRef that supports watching and being watched * as well as location transparent (remote) communication. */ def ref: ActorRef = functionRef
def behavior(m:(ActorRef,Any)): Unit = { val (sender, msg) = m msg.asInstanceOf[String] match { case "Stop" => completeStage() case [email protected] _ => extMessage = s } }
class StageAsActor(extActor: ActorRef) extends GraphStage[FlowShape[String,String]] { val inport = Inlet[String]("input") val outport = Outlet[String]("output") val shape = FlowShape.of(inport,outport) override def createLogic(inheritedAttributes: Attributes): GraphStageLogic = new GraphStageLogic(shape) { var extMessage = "" override def preStart(): Unit = { extActor ! getStageActor(behavior).ref } def behavior(m:(ActorRef,Any)): Unit = { val (sender, msg) = m msg.asInstanceOf[String] match { case "Stop" => completeStage() case [email protected] _ => extMessage = s } } setHandler(inport, new InHandler { override def onPush(): Unit = if (extMessage.length > 0) { push(outport,extMessage) extMessage="" } else push(outport, grab(inport)) }) setHandler(outport, new OutHandler { override def onPull(): Unit = pull(inport) }) } }
class Messenger extends Actor with ActorLogging { var stageActor: ActorRef = _ override def receive: Receive = { case r: ActorRef => stageActor = r log.info("received stage actorRef") case s: String => stageActor forward s log.info(s"forwarding message:$s") } } object GetStageActorDemo extends App { implicit val sys = ActorSystem("demoSys") implicit val ec = sys.dispatcher implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer( ActorMaterializerSettings(sys) .withInputBuffer(initialSize = 16, maxSize = 16) ) val stageActorMessenger = sys.actorOf(Props[Messenger],"forwarder") val source = Source(Stream.from(1)).map(_.toString).delay(1.second,DelayOverflowStrategy.backpressure) val graph = new StageAsActor(stageActorMessenger) val flow = Flow.fromGraph(graph) source.via(flow).to(Sink.foreach(println)).run() Thread.sleep(2000) stageActorMessenger ! "Hello" Thread.sleep(1000) stageActorMessenger ! "World!" Thread.sleep(2000) stageActorMessenger ! "Stop" scala.io.StdIn.readLine() sys.terminate() }
import akka.actor._ import akka.stream._ import akka.stream.scaladsl._ import akka.stream.stage._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ //external system object Injector { var callback: AsyncCallback[String] = null def inject(m: String) = { if (callback != null) callback.invoke(m) } } class InjectControl(injector: Injector.type) extends GraphStage[FlowShape[String,String]] { val inport = Inlet[String]("input") val outport = Outlet[String]("output") val shape = FlowShape.of(inport,outport) override def createLogic(inheritedAttributes: Attributes): GraphStageLogic = new GraphStageLogic(shape) { var extMessage = "" override def preStart(): Unit = { val callback = getAsyncCallback[String] { m => if (m.length > 0) m match { case "Stop" => completeStage() case s: String => extMessage = s } } injector.callback = callback } setHandler(inport, new InHandler { override def onPush(): Unit = if (extMessage.length > 0) { push(outport,extMessage) extMessage="" } else push(outport, grab(inport)) }) setHandler(outport, new OutHandler { override def onPull(): Unit = pull(inport) }) } } object GetAsyncCallbackDemo extends App { implicit val sys = ActorSystem("demoSys") implicit val ec = sys.dispatcher implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer( ActorMaterializerSettings(sys) .withInputBuffer(initialSize = 16, maxSize = 16) ) val source = Source(Stream.from(1)).map(_.toString).delay(1.second,DelayOverflowStrategy.backpressure) val graph = new InjectControl(Injector) val flow = Flow.fromGraph(graph) source.via(flow).to(Sink.foreach(println)).run() Thread.sleep(2000) Injector.inject("hello") Thread.sleep(2000) Injector.inject("world!") Thread.sleep(2000) Injector.inject("Stop") scala.io.StdIn.readLine() sys.terminate() }
import akka.actor._ import akka.stream._ import akka.stream.scaladsl._ import akka.stream.stage._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ class StageAsActor(extActor: ActorRef) extends GraphStage[FlowShape[String,String]] { val inport = Inlet[String]("input") val outport = Outlet[String]("output") val shape = FlowShape.of(inport,outport) override def createLogic(inheritedAttributes: Attributes): GraphStageLogic = new GraphStageLogic(shape) { var extMessage = "" override def preStart(): Unit = { extActor ! getStageActor(behavior).ref } def behavior(m:(ActorRef,Any)): Unit = { val (sender, msg) = m msg.asInstanceOf[String] match { case "Stop" => completeStage() case [email protected] _ => extMessage = s } } setHandler(inport, new InHandler { override def onPush(): Unit = if (extMessage.length > 0) { push(outport,extMessage) extMessage="" } else push(outport, grab(inport)) }) setHandler(outport, new OutHandler { override def onPull(): Unit = pull(inport) }) } } class Messenger extends Actor with ActorLogging { var stageActor: ActorRef = _ override def receive: Receive = { case r: ActorRef => stageActor = r log.info("received stage actorRef") case s: String => stageActor forward s log.info(s"forwarding message:$s") } } object GetStageActorDemo extends App { implicit val sys = ActorSystem("demoSys") implicit val ec = sys.dispatcher implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer( ActorMaterializerSettings(sys) .withInputBuffer(initialSize = 16, maxSize = 16) ) val stageActorMessenger = sys.actorOf(Props[Messenger],"forwarder") val source = Source(Stream.from(1)).map(_.toString).delay(1.second,DelayOverflowStrategy.backpressure) val graph = new StageAsActor(stageActorMessenger) val flow = Flow.fromGraph(graph) source.via(flow).to(Sink.foreach(println)).run() Thread.sleep(2000) stageActorMessenger ! "Hello" Thread.sleep(1000) stageActorMessenger ! "World!" Thread.sleep(2000) stageActorMessenger ! "Stop" scala.io.StdIn.readLine() sys.terminate() }