编写高质量代码改善java程序的151个建议——[52-57]String !about String How to use them?

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Although the world is full of suffering , it is full also of the overcoming of it.  -Hellen Keller


Written In The Font

Three pieces[52-3]:

52.Suggestion:Use the String direct value for the assignment [推荐使用String直接量赋值]

54. How to use the String , StringBuffer,StringBuilder               [正确的使用String , StringBuffer,StringBuilder ]

55.Easy Time:Pay attention to the address of String                   [注意字符串的位子]

57.Complex string manipulation using regular expressions      [复杂字符串操作使用正則表達式]

Suggestion:Use the String direct value for the assignment

Do u knw the String Object ? If u do some projects,u can see the String is used usually. A object is created by the key word : new.Therefore , we can create a String Obejct by :“

String str3 = new String("Jeff"); ” .

Here, in my word,using the String direct value for the assignment is a better way.


for example:

public class String01
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String str1 = "Jeff";
        String str2 = "Jeff";
        String str3 = new String("Jeff");
        String str4 = str3.intern();

        boolean b1 = (str1 == str2);
        boolean b2 = (str1 == str3);
        boolean b3 = (str1 == str4);

        System.out.println("b1:"+b1+"  "+"b2:"+b2+"  "+"b3:"+b3+"  ");
b1:true  b2:false  b3:true

b1:true b2:false

u will think ,thats why they r different.

As we all kno , the  operator“==”show whether two objects’address
references are the same. Java designed a String Pool for storing all the String used to avoid there are to many String Objects created in a system. So  String str3 =
new String("Jeff");  is creating a object in java
heap memory not the
String Pool.

intern() is a method of String. we can see from the jdk help doc.

public String intern()
Returns a canonical representation for the string object.
A pool of strings, initially empty, is maintained privately by the class String.

When the intern method is invoked, if the pool already contains a string equal to this String object as determined by the equals(Object) method, then the string from the pool is returned. Otherwise, this String object is added to the pool and a reference to this String object is returned.

It follows that for any two strings s and t, s.intern() == t.intern() is true if and only if s.equals(t) is true.

All in all, using  String str = "Jeff";  u dont mind the Thread-security or Garbage collection mechanism.String is a nice man , treat it as a little boy pelasse.

How to use the String , StringBuffer,StringBuilder

Look at the pic:

String , StringBuffer ,StringBuilder implement the CharSequence.But they are different.


String Object is a non-variable . it can not be
changed and in the memory when u create it.

for example:

    String str  = "abc";
    String str1 = str.substring(1);

    System.out.println("str1" + str1);

substring() method creates a new String Object and links the reference of it to str1. But when “str.substring(0)”,str1 and str  both link to the “abc”by the JVM.

StringBuffer StringBuilder

they are very similar and they r variables of the sequence of characters.Only different, the StringBuffer has the methods which are synchronized where necessary. String buffers are safe for use by multiple threads. Different from String, if
z refers to a string buffer object whose current contents are "start", then the method call
z.append("le") would cause the string buffer to contain "startle", whereasz.insert(4, "le") would alter the string buffer to contain "starlet".

All in all:

String can be used for the constants.

StringBuffer can be used for some operating methods in multithreaded environment.like
XML analyze,the parameters of HTTP analyze etc.

StringBuilder can be used for HQL/SQL splice,
JSON package etc.

Easy Time:Pay attention to the address of String

for example:

public static void main(String[] args)
    String str1 = 1 + 2 + "apples";
    String str2 = "apples" + 1 + 2;



what we can see from the result-values.why ? how ? they did.

Because the JAVA handling mechanism to the operator “+”. when there is a string in the expression, all the expression data will change itself to the String class.if the data is an Object, it will call its toString method.

So,String str1 = 1 + 2 + "apples" just like String str1 = (1 + 2) + "apples" .thats all.

Complex string manipulation using regular expressions

just reading!! the part , i will write in the future.

Write to Reader

based on .

Thank u!

时间: 2024-10-23 22:13:07

编写高质量代码改善java程序的151个建议——[52-57]String !about String How to use them?的相关文章

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编写高质量代码:改善Java程序的151个建议 --[52~64] 推荐使用String直接量赋值 Java为了避免在一个系统中大量产生String对象(为什么会大量产生,因为String字符串是程序中最经常使用的类型),于是就设计了一个字符串池(也叫作字符串常量池,String pool或String Constant Pool或String Literal Pool),在字符串池中容纳的都是String字符串对象,它的创建机制是这样的:创建一个字符串时,首先检查池中是否有字面值相等的字符串,


2014-05-16 09:08 by Jeff Li 前言 系列文章:[传送门] 下个星期度过这几天的奋战,会抓紧java的进阶学习.听过一句话,大哥说过,你一个月前的代码去看下,惨不忍睹是吧.确实,人和代码一样都在成长,都在变好当中.有时候只是实现功能的编程,长进不了呀. 博客提供的好处就可以交流,讨论的学习方法你们应该知道. 在这里,我会陆陆续续的进行对<编写高质量代码改善java程序的151个建议>看法,希望大家点击交流. 正文 看这本书原因   1.项目做的只是实现功能,然而没有好好


原创地址:   http://www.cnblogs.com/Alandre/  (泥沙砖瓦浆木匠),需要转载的,保留下! Thanks The reasonable man adapts himself to the world;the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. -萧伯纳 相信自己看得懂就看得懂了,相信自己能写下去,我就开始写了.其实也简单-泥沙砖瓦浆木匠 Written In The


阅读目录 建议1:不要在常量和变量中出现易混淆的字母 建议2:莫让常量蜕变成变量 建议3:三元操作符的类型务必一致 建议4:避免带有变长参数的方法重载 建议5:别让null值和空值威胁到变长方法              The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world himself. 明白事理的人使自己适应世界:不明事理的人想让世


原创地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/Alandre/(泥沙砖瓦浆木匠),需要转载的,保留下! 文章宗旨:Talk is cheap show me the code. 大成若缺,其用不弊.大盈若冲,其用不穷.  <道德经-老子>最完满的东西,好似有残缺一样,但它的作用永远不会衰竭:最充盈的东西,好似是空虚一样,但是它的作用是不会穷尽的 Written In The Font 摘要: 异常处理概述 学习内容: 建议110: 提倡异常封装 建议111: 采用异常链传递异常 建议


阅读目录 建议52:推荐使用String直接量赋值 建议53:注意方法中传递的参数要求 建议54:正确使用String.StringBuffer.StringBuilder 建议55:注意字符串的位置 回到顶部 建议52:推荐使用String直接量赋值 一般对象都是通过new关键字生成的,但是String还有第二种生成方式,也就是我们经常使用的直接声明方式,这种方式是极力推荐的,但不建议使用new String("A")的方式赋值.为什么呢?我们看如下代码: public class


建议52:推荐使用String直接量赋值 一般对象都是通过new关键字生成的,但是String还有第二种生成方式,也就是我们经常使用的直接声明方式,这种方式是极力推荐的,但不建议使用new String("A")的方式赋值.为什么呢?我们看如下代码: public class Client58 { public static void main(String[] args) { String str1 = "詹姆斯"; String str2 = "詹姆斯


阅读目录 建议16:易变业务使用脚本语言编写 建议17:慎用动态编译 建议18:避免instanceof非预期结果 建议19:断言绝对不是鸡肋 建议20:不要只替换一个类 回到顶部 建议16:易变业务使用脚本语言编写 Java世界一直在遭受着异种语言的入侵,比如PHP,Ruby,Groovy.Javascript等,这些入侵者都有一个共同特征:全是同一类语言-----脚本语言,它们都是在运行期解释执行的.为什么Java这种强编译型语言会需要这些脚本语言呢?那是因为脚本语言的三大特征,如下所示:


建议11:养成良好习惯,显示声明UID 我们编写一个实现了Serializable接口(序列化标志接口)的类,Eclipse马上就会给一个黄色警告:需要添加一个Serial Version ID.为什么要增加?他是怎么计算出来的?有什么用?下面就来解释该问题. 类实现Serializable接口的目的是为了可持久化,比如网络传输或本地存储,为系统的分布和异构部署提供先决条件支持.若没有序列化,现在我们熟悉的远程调用.对象数据库都不可能存在,我们来看一个简单的序列化类: 1 import java


阅读目录 建议47:在equals中使用getClass进行类型判断 建议48:覆写equals方法必须覆写hashCode方法 建议49:推荐覆写toString方法 建议50:使用package-info类为包服务 建议51:不要主动进行垃圾回收 回到顶部 建议47:在equals中使用getClass进行类型判断 本节我们继续讨论覆写equals的问题,这次我们编写一个员工Employee类继承Person类,这很正常,员工也是人嘛,而且在JavaBean中继承也很多见,代码如下: 1 p