[AST Babel] Add function name into the console log 'path.findParent(t.isFunctionDeclaration)'

Continue with the previous post: https://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/12337243.html

What we want to do in this post, is adding parent function name into the console log as well:

Previous output is :

function add(a, b) {
    console.log("2:4", a, b)
      return a + b

function subtract(a, b) {
    console.log("7:4", a, b)
      return a - b

add(1, 2)
subtract(2, 1)
console.log("13:0", ‘sup dawg‘)

Now we want:

function add(a, b) {
    console.log("add 2:4", a, b)
      return a + b

function subtract(a, b) {
    console.log("subtract 7:4", a, b)
      return a - b

add(1, 2)
subtract(2, 1)
console.log("13:0", ‘sup dawg‘)

The key is using




To find its parent function.


export default function (babel) {
  const { types: t } = babel;

  return {
    name: "ast-transform", // not required
    visitor: {
      CallExpression(path) {
          if (!looksLike(path.node, {
            callee: {
              type: ‘MemberExpression‘,
              object: {
                  name: ‘console‘
              property: {
                  name: ‘log‘
        })) {

        const parentFn = path.findParent(t.isFunctionDeclaration);
        const fnName =  parentFn?
              `${parentFn.node.id.name} `:
        // insert string into console.log(‘instread here‘, a,b)
        const {line, column} = path.node.loc.start;
        const prefix = fnName + `${line}:${column}`;

function looksLike(a, b) {
  return (
    a &&
    b &&
    Object.keys(b).every(bKey => {
      const bVal = b[bKey]
      const aVal = a[bKey]
      if (typeof bVal === ‘function‘) {
        return bVal(aVal)
      return isPrimitive(bVal) ? bVal === aVal : looksLike(aVal, bVal)

function isPrimitive(val) {
  return val == null || /^[sbn]/.test(typeof val)

[AST Babel] Add function name into the console log 'path.findParent(t.isFunctionDeclaration)'


时间: 2024-11-05 23:19:31

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一 实例 打印字符串和对象: 可展开对象查看内部情况: 看一下console对象本身的定义情况: 输出对象情况: utag对象所在文件: 输出对象: 二 Console.log 总结 1 如果你js没到一个境界,我就算教你调试bug,破解一些插件之类的,你也根本不知道我在做什么.我的目的只是让你认识控制台,让你入门调试,之后的路还得靠你们自己走. 不论是 chrome firefox ie(8以上版本) 还是 360急速浏览器 搜狗浏览器 等等,只要按 F12 就能打开控制台. 其实对于这 F1