


 Acquire::http::Pipeline-Depth 0; Acquire::http::No-Cache true;

之后,再运行apt-getaptitude则一切正常。需要说明的是,虽然网上有人提到还应加入Acquire::BrokenProxy true;,但是该配置选项并未被apt.conf的文档提及。

参考apt.confman说明和RFC 2616,以上各配置条目的含义摘录如下:

  • Acquire::http::Pipeline-Depth can be used to enable HTTP pipelining (RFC 2616 section which can be beneficial e.g. on high-latency connections. It specifies how many requests are sent in a pipeline. APT tries to detect and workaround misbehaving webservers and proxies at runtime, but if you know that yours does not conform to the HTTP/1.1 specification pipelining can be disabled by setting the value to 0. It is enabled by default with the value 10.

    RFC 2616 Pipelining

    A client that supports persistent connections MAY "pipeline" its requests (i.e., send multiple requests without waiting for each response). A server MUST send its responses to those requests in the same order that the requests were received.

    Clients which assume persistent connections and pipeline immediately after connection establishment SHOULD be prepared to retry their connection if the first pipelined attempt fails. If a client does such a retry, it MUST NOT pipeline before it knows the connection is persistent. Clients MUST also be prepared to resend their requests if the server closes the connection before sending all of the corresponding responses.

    Clients SHOULD NOT pipeline requests using non-idempotent methods or non-idempotent sequences of methods (see section 9.1.2). Otherwise, a premature termination of the transport connection could lead to indeterminate results. A client wishing to send a non-idempotent request SHOULD wait to send that request until it has received the response status for the previous request.

  • Acquire::http::No-Cache tells the proxy not to use its cached response under any circumstances.


时间: 2024-11-04 20:51:19



在执行update命令之后,出现系统校验和不符,网上找了一些方法,最后在大神的帮助下终于解决了!! 1.更改 /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00aptitude 文件,在最后一行加入: Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order "gz"; 然后执行 update就可以了. (我是用这个方法解决的) 2.在软件更新管理器中点击右下角的"设置",在其它软件中把两个"独立"前边的对勾去掉.这个方法解决了一些朋友的问题,


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