City of stars

英:[?s?t?] [?v; (?)v] [stɑ?z]

美:[?s?ti] [?v] [stɑ?z]

Are you shining just for me?

英:[ɑ?] [ju?] [??a?n??] [d??st] [f??; f?] [mi?]

美:[ɑr] [ju] [??a?n??] [d??st] [f?] [mi]

英:[?s?t?] [?v; (?)v] [stɑ?z]

美:[?s?ti] [?v] [stɑ?z]

There‘s so much that I can‘t see.

英:[ðe?z] [s??] [m?t?] [ðæt; ð?t] [a?] [kɑ?nt] [si?]

美:[ðerz] [so] [m?t?] [ðæt] [a?] [kænt] [si]

Who know?

英:[hu?; h?] [n??]

美:[hu] [no]

I felt it from the first embrace I shared with you

英:[a?] [felt] [?t] [fr?m; fr?m] [ð?] [f??st] [?m?bre?s; em-] [a?] [?e?d] [w?ð] [ju?]

美:[a?] [f?lt] [?t] [fr?m] [ð?] [f?st] [?m?bres] [a?] [??r] [w?ð] [ju]

That now our dreams

英:[ðæt; ð?t] [na?] [a??] [dri?mθ]

美:[ðæt] [na?] [?a??] [dri?mθ]

They‘ve finally come true

英:[ðe?v] [?fa?n?l?] [k?m] [tru?]

美:[ðe?v] [?fa?n?li] [k?m] [tru]

英:[?s?t?] [?v; (?)v] [stɑ?z]

美:[?s?ti] [?v] [stɑ?z]

Just one thing everybody wants

英:[d??st] [w?n] [θ??] [?evr?b?d?] [?w?nts]

美:[d??st] [w?n] [θ??] [??vr?bɑdi] [?w?nts]

There in the bars

英:[ðe?; ð?] [?n] [ð?] [bɑ?z]

美:[ð?r] [?n] [ð?] [bɑ?z]

And through the smokescreen of the crowded restaurants

英:[?nd; (?)n; ænd] [θru?] [ð?] [?sm??kskri?n] [?v; (?)v] [ð?] [?kra?d?d] [?restr?nts]

美:[?nd? ?n?ænd] [θru] [ð?] [?smo?kskri?n] [?v] [ð?] [?kra?d?d] [?r?st?r?nts]

It‘s love

英:[?ts] [l?v]

美:[?ts] [l?v]

Yes, all we‘re looking for is love from someone else

英:[jes],[??l] [w??(r)] [?l?k??] [f??; f?] [?z] [l?v] [fr?m; fr?m] [?s?mw?n] [els]

美:[j?s],[?l] [w?r] [?l?k??] [f?] [?z] [l?v] [fr?m] [?s?mw?n] [?ls]

A rush, a glace, a touch, a dance

英:[?; e?] [r??],[?; e?] [?glæse?],[?; e?] [t?t?],[?; e?] [dɑ?ns]

美:[e] [r??],[e] [?glæse?],[e] [t?t?],[e] [dæns]

To look in somebody‘s eyes

英:[t?; before a vowel; t?; stressed; tu?] [l?k] [?n] somebody‘s [?a?z]

美:[tu?t?] [l?k] [?n] somebody‘s [?a?z]

To light up the skies

英:[t?; before a vowel; t?; stressed; tu?] [la?t] [?p] [ð?] skies

美:[tu?t?] [la?t] [?p] [ð?] skies

To open the world and send them reeling

英:[t?; before a vowel; t?; stressed; tu?] [???p(?)n] [ð?] [w??ld] [?nd; (?)n; ænd] [send] [ðem; ð?m] [?ri?l??]

美:[tu?t?] [?op?n] [ð?] [w?ld] [?nd? ?n?ænd] [s?nd] [ð?m] [?ri?l??]

A voice that says. I‘ll be here, and you‘ll be alright

英:[?; e?] [v??s] [ðæt; ð?t] [sez].[a?l] [bi?] [h??],[?nd; (?)n; ænd] [ju?l] [bi?] [??l?ra?t]

美:[e] [v??s] [ðæt] [s?z].[a?l] [bi] [h?r],[?nd? ?n?ænd] [j?l] [bi] [??l?ra?t]

I don‘t care if I know

英:[a?] [d??nt] [ke?] [?f] [a?] [n??]

美:[a?] [dont] [k?r] [?f] [a?] [no]

Just where I will go

英:[d??st] [we?] [a?] [w?l] [g??]

美:[d??st] [w?r] [a?] [w?l] [go]

Cause all that I need‘s this crazy feeling

英:[k??z] [??l] [ðæt; ð?t] [a?] need‘s [ð?s] [?kre?z?] [?fi?l??]

美:[k?z] [?l] [ðæt] [a?] need‘s [ð?s] [?krezi] [?fil??]

A rat-tat-tat on my heart…

英:[?; e?] rat-tat-tat [?n] [ma?] [hɑ?t]

美:[e] rat-tat-tat [ɑn] [ma?] [hɑrt]

Think I want it to stay

英:[θ??k] [a?] [w?nt] [?t] [t?; before a vowel; t?; stressed; tu?] [ste?]

美:[θ??k] [a?] [wɑnt] [?t] [tu?t?] [ste]

时间: 2024-12-20 00:20:51

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