模式识别 - 有害视频检測程序的策略


本文地址: http://blog.csdn.net/caroline_wendy/article/details/26346831

严重危害网络的健康, 须要进行检測和过滤.

检測色情\恐怖视频, 通过检測程序, 检測出多个场景的概率,
然后进行排序, 当场景多余6个时, 仅仅取最大的6个场景;


色情\恐怖汇总时, 首先检測色情,
假设为色情视频, 则不进行恐怖的检測, 否则继续检測恐怖, 假设都不时,


#include "stdafx.h"

#include "VideoDetector.h"

using namespace std;

double detectPornVideo(
std::vector<PornSceneInfo>& infosSet,
const std::string _fileName,
const std::string _imagePath,
const std::string _imageName,
const std::string _modelPath)
struct bigger {
bool operator() (PornSceneInfo i, PornSceneInfo j) { return (i.prop>j.prop); }
} mybigger;

double finalResult(0.0);
const int FirstNum(3); //计算最大3个的概率
const int MaxImageNum(6); //最多返回6个结构体
std::vector<PornSceneInfo> vResults;

const std::string fileName(_fileName);
const std::string imagePath(_imagePath); //提前新建目录
const std::string imageName(_imageName);
const std::string modelPath(_modelPath);
const std::size_t shotInterval(100);
const std::size_t sceneShotNum(20);

std::size_t num = PornVideoSceneNum(fileName.c_str(), shotInterval, sceneShotNum);

PornSceneInfo* resultSet = new PornSceneInfo[num];

if (PornVideoDetector_Info(resultSet, imagePath.c_str(), fileName.c_str(), imageName.c_str(),
modelPath.c_str(), shotInterval, sceneShotNum))
for (std::size_t i=0; i<num; ++i) {
} else {
std::cout << " Failed to detect the video! " << std::endl;

delete[] resultSet;
resultSet = nullptr;

if (num > MaxImageNum) {
std::sort(vResults.begin(), vResults.end(), mybigger);
for(int i=0; i<MaxImageNum; ++i) {
infosSet.push_back(vResults[i]); //从大到小排列, 最多包涵MaxImageNum个
} else {
std::sort(vResults.begin(), vResults.end(), mybigger);
infosSet = vResults;

if (num > FirstNum) {
std::sort(vResults.begin(), vResults.end(), mybigger);

for(int i=0; i<FirstNum; ++i) {
finalResult += vResults[i].prop; //大于3个仅仅取前3个

finalResult /= FirstNum;
} else {
for(std::size_t i=0; i<num; ++i) {
finalResult += vResults[i].prop;
finalResult /= num;

return finalResult;

double detectHorrorVideo(
std::vector<HorrorSceneInfo>& infosSet,
const std::string _fileName,
const std::string _imagePath,
const std::string _imageName,
const std::string _modelPath)
struct bigger {
bool operator() (HorrorSceneInfo i, HorrorSceneInfo j) { return (i.prop>j.prop); }
} mybigger;

double finalResult(0.0);
const int FirstNum(3); //计算最大3个的概率
const int MaxImageNum(6); //最多返回6个结构体
std::vector<HorrorSceneInfo> vResults;

const std::string fileName(_fileName);
const std::string imagePath(_imagePath); //提前新建目录
const std::string imageName(_imageName);
const std::string modelPath(_modelPath);
const std::size_t shotInterval(100);
const std::size_t sceneShotNum(20);

std::size_t num = HorrorVideoSceneNum(fileName.c_str(), shotInterval, sceneShotNum);

HorrorSceneInfo* resultSet = new HorrorSceneInfo[num];

if (HorrorVideoDetector_Info(resultSet, imagePath.c_str(), fileName.c_str(),
imageName.c_str(), modelPath.c_str(), shotInterval, sceneShotNum))
for (std::size_t i=0; i<num; ++i) {
} else {
std::cout << " Failed to detect the video! " << std::endl;

delete[] resultSet;
resultSet = nullptr;

if (num > MaxImageNum) {
std::sort(vResults.begin(), vResults.end(), mybigger);
for(int i=0; i<MaxImageNum; ++i) {
} else {
std::sort(vResults.begin(), vResults.end(), mybigger);
infosSet = vResults;

if (num > FirstNum) {
std::sort(vResults.begin(), vResults.end(), mybigger);

for(int i=0; i<FirstNum; ++i) {
finalResult += vResults[i].prop;

finalResult /= FirstNum;
} else {
for(std::size_t i=0; i<num; ++i) {
finalResult += vResults[i].prop;
finalResult /= num;

return finalResult;

void videoDetector(
const char* const _fileName, /*文件名称*/
const char* const _imagePath, /*图片路径*/
const char* const _imageName, /*图片名称*/
int& _signal, /*标志位, 0未知, 1色情, 2恐怖*/
double& _prop, /*概率*/
std::vector<SceneInfo>& _infosSet
_signal = 0;
_prop = 0.0;

const std::string fileName(_fileName);
const std::string imagePath(_imagePath); //提前新建目录
const std::string imageName(_imageName);
const std::string modelPath("./models");

double pornResult(-1.0);
double horrorResult(-1.0);
std::vector<PornSceneInfo> pornInfosSet;
std::vector<HorrorSceneInfo> horrorInfosSet;

try {
pornResult = detectPornVideo(pornInfosSet, fileName, imagePath, imageName, modelPath);
} catch (std::exception ex) {
std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl;

std::vector<SceneInfo> infosSet(pornInfosSet.size());

for (std::size_t i=0; i<pornInfosSet.size(); ++i)
std::cout << " Scene[" << i << "] Prop : " << pornInfosSet[i].prop << std::endl;
std::cout << " Scene[" << i << "] Image Path : " << pornInfosSet[i].imagePath << std::endl;
std::cout << " Scene[" << i << "] Begin Time : " << pornInfosSet[i].btime << std::endl;
std::cout << " Scene[" << i << "] End Time : " << pornInfosSet[i].etime << std::endl;
std::cout << " Scene[" << i << "] Begin Pos : " << pornInfosSet[i].bpos << std::endl;
std::cout << " Scene[" << i << "] End Pos : " << pornInfosSet[i].epos << std::endl;

infosSet[i].prop = pornInfosSet[i].prop;
strcpy(infosSet[i].imagePath, pornInfosSet[i].imagePath);
infosSet[i].btime = pornInfosSet[i].btime;
infosSet[i].etime = pornInfosSet[i].etime;
infosSet[i].bpos = pornInfosSet[i].bpos;
infosSet[i].epos = pornInfosSet[i].epos;

if (pornResult > 0.7) { //返回色情
std::cout << "Porn Result = " << pornResult << std::endl;
_signal = 1;
_prop = pornResult;
_infosSet = infosSet;

try {
horrorResult = detectHorrorVideo(horrorInfosSet, fileName, imagePath, imageName, modelPath);
} catch (std::exception ex) {
std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl;

for (std::size_t i=0; i<horrorInfosSet.size(); ++i)
std::cout << " Scene[" << i << "] Prop : " << horrorInfosSet[i].prop << std::endl;
std::cout << " Scene[" << i << "] Image Path : " << horrorInfosSet[i].imagePath << std::endl;
std::cout << " Scene[" << i << "] Begin Time : " << horrorInfosSet[i].btime << std::endl;
std::cout << " Scene[" << i << "] End Time : " << horrorInfosSet[i].etime << std::endl;
std::cout << " Scene[" << i << "] Begin Pos : " << horrorInfosSet[i].bpos << std::endl;
std::cout << " Scene[" << i << "] End Pos : " << horrorInfosSet[i].epos << std::endl;

infosSet[i].prop = horrorInfosSet[i].prop;
infosSet[i].btime = horrorInfosSet[i].btime;
infosSet[i].etime = horrorInfosSet[i].etime;
infosSet[i].bpos = horrorInfosSet[i].bpos;
infosSet[i].epos = horrorInfosSet[i].epos;

if (horrorResult > 0.6) { //返回恐怖
std::cout << "Horror Result = " << horrorResult << std::endl;
_signal = 2;
_prop = horrorResult;
_infosSet = infosSet;

_infosSet = infosSet;
std::cout << "Porn Result = " << pornResult << std::endl;
std::cout << "Horror Result = " << horrorResult << std::endl;


模式识别 - 有害视频检測程序的策略,布布扣,bubuko.com

时间: 2024-12-20 13:18:58

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Memory Leak检測神器--LeakCanary初探

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