Performing a Quick Tune

18.2.6 Performing a Quick

To tune a single SQL statement,
the QUICK_TUNE procedure accepts as its input
task_name and a SQL statement. The procedure creates a
task and workload and executes this task. There is no difference in the results
from using QUICK_TUNE. They are exactly the same as those from
using EXECUTE_TASK, but this approach is easier to use when
there is only a single SQL statement to be tuned. The syntax is as follows:

advisor_name IN VARCHAR2,
task_name IN VARCHAR2,
attr1 IN CLOB,
attr2 IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
attr3 IN NUMBER := NULL,
task_or_template IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);

The following example shows how to quick tune a single SQL statement:

VARIABLE task_name VARCHAR2(255);
VARIABLE sql_stmt VARCHAR2(4000);
EXECUTE :sql_stmt := ‘SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customers
WHERE cust_state_province =‘‘CA‘‘‘;
:task_name, :sql_stmt);

See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types
 for more information regarding
the QUICK_TUNE procedure and its parameters.

Performing a Quick Tune,布布扣,

时间: 2024-12-12 12:24:47

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