

    1. System fundamentals

      1. Network manager: use wicd instead of network-manager. It includes wicd, wicd-cli, wicd-curses, wicd-daemon, wicd-gtk.
      2. pppoeconf: for configuration of pppoe network connection.
      3. Power management: laptop-mode-tools can be used to set default screen brightness, USB power and sleep, etc.
      4. kde-baseapps: with this package installed, the search function in Dolphin takes effect.
      5. khelpcenter4: KDE 4 help center.
    2. Text editor
      1. Emacs + solarized theme + Org mode

        1. Purpose

          1. Text editing and coding
          2. GTD based task management: this is the lowest level management with the finest granularity.
      2. kate: for fast text editing in desktop environment
      3. vim: for fast text editing in command line environment
    3. Office software
      1. LibreOffice

        1. Purpose

          1. Writer

            1. Personal documents
            2. Plans and review documents: for everyday review, weekly schedule, mid and long term plans.
            3. Journals
          2. Draw
            1. Illustrations
            2. Flow charts
            3. Math and geometric drawings
          3. Calc
            1. Organization of experiment data
            2. Project Gantt chart
        2. Extensions and additional packages
          1. LanguageTool: for spell checking
          2. Dmaths: for mathematical drawings
          3. MultiSave: for document export
          4. Review: for convenient document review
          5. Template Changer: for apply template to an existing document
          6. TexMaths: for LaTeX equation input
          7. Zotero LibreOffice Integration: for accessing Zotero bibliography database
          8. openclipart and openclipart2: additional clipart gallery for LibreOffice.
          9. Export As Images: export all the Impress slides or Draw pages as images of JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP and TIFF format. This is can be used to create a white plan for a presentation.
      2. Zotero standalone application
        1. Purpose: bibliography management
        2. Extensions
          1. Zotero automatic export
          2. Item History for Zotero
          3. ZotFile: note that the customized source folder for attaching new files should be specified.
          4. Zotero LibreOffice Integration: bibliography management
    4. Mindmap
      1. Freeplane: for dumping ideas from the brain and organizing information and knowledge with complicated structures and interconnections.
      2. Docear + Jabref: for organizing bibiliography information using a mindmap methodology.
    5. Term
      1. konsole + solarized theme
    6. File manager: dolphin
    7. Desktop environment
      1. Sawfish using mxflat theme: window manager that can be configured with lisp+librep.
      2. PerlPanel: a panel including a startup menu, several fast starting program icons, a task list and a system tray. The system tray is composed of notification area, panel pet, lock screen button, system clock and desktop pager.
      3. xscreensaver: screen saver.
      4. shutter: for taking screen snapshot.
      5. ibus: input method.
      6. xloadimage: set desktop wallpaper.
      7. xmodmap: set keyboard and mouse button sequence.
      8. xrdb: set window display properties.
      9. freerdp: for remote desktop connection. It supports NLA (Network Level Authentication), which is superior over rdesktop. The executable command of this package is xfreerdp.
      10. kruler: screen measurement.
      11. kcolorchooser: desktop color chooser.
      12. xclock: desktop clock.
    8. PDF tool set
      1. okular: PDF reader
      2. pdfedit: PDF editor
      3. jpdfbookmarks: PDF bookmark editor
      4. Ghostscript: command line PDF tools
    9. Document readers
      1. djview4: djvu reader
      2. kchmviewer: chm viewer
      3. xdvi: dvi viewer
    10. Dictionary
      1. Stardict or Goldendict
    11. Mathematics tools
      1. gnuplot: visualization of experiment data
      2. maxima+wxMaxima: symbolic math
      3. octave: numerical math
      4. geogebra: geometry drawing tool
    12. Image management
      1. gwenview: image viewer. Note: it requires rebuilding NVIDIA driver after each xserver update.
      2. gimp: image editor
      3. imagemagick: command line image editor
      4. inkscape: edit and design of vector graphics.
    13. Web
      1. Iceweasel: web browser

        1. Extensions

          1. Adblock Plus: block Google related websites (in case of slow web page loading because it contains Google related resources), advertisement, etc.
          2. Blank Your Monitor + Easy Reading: use enforced color theme to read web pages.
          3. DownThemAll!: batch download tool
          4. DownThemAll! AntiContainer: make the resources behind container pages easily downloadable.
          5. Evernote Web Clipper: Evernote plugin.
          6. Firebug + FirePath: web page development tool
          7. Fire IE: embed IE core in Firefox, for visiting bank websites.
          8. Firemacs: Emacs key bindings
          9. Greasefire2: automatically find Greasemonkey scripts
          10. Greasemonkey: enable user scripts to process webpages
          11. keyconfig: configure key bindings
          12. LanguageToolFx: spell checking
          13. Mozilla Archive Format: store web page into maff format
          14. Password Exporter: password management
          15. Print Edit: customize web page elements to be printed
          16. ScrapBook + ScrapBook BackupHelper + ScrapBook CHM Creator + ScrapBook CopyPageInfo + ScrapBook MAF Creator: grab web pages
          17. Stylish: enable customized user style for web pages
          18. Stylish Sync: synchronize stylish configurations in Firefox sync between multiple devices
          19. Tile Tabs: split browser window into multiple windows
      2. Google Chrome
        1. Extensions

          1. 红杏(hongxing.crx ):for breaking through the GFW.
          2. Stylish: same as the one in Firefox
          3. Zotero Connector: import Zotero item from web page into Zotero standalone application.
      3. Icedove: mail client and RSS reader
        1. Extensions

          1. ThunderBrowse
          2. Iceowl
      4. FileZilla: ftp client
    14. Audio
      1. Audacity: audio editor
      2. Audacious: music player
      3. easytag: MP3 tag editor
      4. alsa-utils: command line tool to control sound volume
    15. Video
      1. TV player: mplayer + mencoder
      2. Video player: vlc
      3. recordmydesktop: for screen recording.
    16. Games
      1. wesnoth and wesnoth-server
      2. kdegames
      3. nethack, nethack-el, nethack-console, nethack-x11, nethack-lisp
      4. Simulators
        1. bsnes: simulator for FC games, etc.
        2. mame, mame-tools, gnome-video-archade (front-end): simulator for archade games.
      5. Chess games
        1. knights (KDE UI front-end), gnuchess (chess engine), gnuchess-book
        2. gmchess: Chinese chess
        3. kigo (KDE UI front-end), gnugo (Go engine)
时间: 2024-12-11 16:34:35



[教程主题]:linux软件管理 [1]软件包管理 在系统管理中,软件包的管理是最重要的,是系统管理的基础的基础, 只有我们学会软件包的管理才能谈得上其它的应用. RPM RPM是软件管理程序,提供软件的安装.升级.查询.反安装的功能.优点:a.安装方便,软件中所有数据都经过编译和打包b.查询.升级.反安装方便缺点:a.缺乏灵活性b.存在相依属性 用法: rpm  参数   软件包 指令选项-i:安装.-U:升级安装,如果不存在也安装.-F:更新安装,如果不存在不安装.-v:查看信息.-h:有进

Linux 软件安装管理

软件包分类: 源码包 优点: 开源,如果有足够的能力,可以修改源代码 可以自由选择所需的功能 软件是编译安装,所以更加适合自己的系统,更加稳定也效率更高 卸载方便 缺点: 安装步骤较多,尤其安装较大的软件集合时(如LAMP) 容易出现拼写错误 编译过程时间较长,安装比二进制安装时间长 编译安装,新手不容易解决问题 脚本安装包 二进制包: (RPM包,系统默认包)  .exe 二进制包,Rpm 包 编译:  abcd 0101 反编译: 我们认识为不可逆转的 包管理系统简单,只通过几个命令就可以实


因为linux入门基础是基于CentOS讲解的,讲的是CentOS上的软件包管理.ubuntu的软件包管理有这些:ubuntu软件包管理,包管理指南,ubuntu软件包管理. linux软件管理:RPM软件包管理 源代码形式 绝大多数开源软件都是直接以源代码形式发布 源代码一般会被打包成tar.gz的归档压缩文件 程序源代码需要手动编译成二进制形式之后才能够运行使用 源代码基本编译流程: 1 ./configure   检查编译环境.相关库文件以及配置参数并生成makefile 2 make  

linux 软件连接

linux 软件连接 ln -s /www/wdlinux/apache_php-5.2.17/bin/php php linux 软件连接,布布扣,bubuko.com

Linux 软件源设置

版本:1.0.0-beta 作者:石硕 更新:2014-04-30 15:51:40 ============================================================ Linux拥有众多的发行版,每个发行版都有提供镜像,但是,在国内这些镜像的下载速度参差不齐, 偶尔会有更新失败的情况. 网上众多推荐的镜像源为163的镜像,笔者通过一段时间的试用,发现某些小众带宽访问163镜像还 是存在一定的问题,所以,决定替换为aliyun的镜像. 下面以修改 CentO


1.linux软件安装方式,常用的有: 1)dpkg:Debian Linux社区开发出来的,使用的linux版本有,B2F,Ubuntu等 2)RPM:最早由Red Hat公司研发出来,使用的版本有Fedora,CentOS,SUSE等. 2.RPM(RedHat Package Manager):是一种数据库记录的方式来将你所需要的软件安装到你的Linux系统的一套管理机制. 3.软件安装的目录: 1)/etc:一些配置文件放置的目录 2)/usr/bin:一些可执行的文件案 3)/usr/


1 Linux软件安装概述 安装程序的方式: 软件包概述 RPM RPM的缺点 RPM包 RPM分包 RPM命令的使用 rpm 包管理 升级注意项 如何安装rpm软件包 如何卸载rpm软件包 如何升级rpm软件包 如何查询rpm软件包 如何查看与rpm包相关的文件和其他信息 如何校验rpm包 RPM的数据库 1 Linux软件安装概述 安装程序的方式: 通用二进制格式:直接解压压缩文件,就可以使用.但一定要注意安装平台. 软件包管理器:如RPM. 软件包管理器的前端工具:如YUM. 源代码编译.

linux 软件开发的源

deb http://mirrors.aliyun.com/ubuntu/ quantal main restricted universe multiversedeb http://mirrors.aliyun.com/ubuntu/ quantal-security main restricted universe multiversedeb http://mirrors.aliyun.com/ubuntu/ quantal-updates main restricted universe


红帽系列的 linux软件管理分为三类:1. rpm 安装软件.2. yum 安装软件.3. 源码包编译安装.前面两种会在相关专题给出详细讲解.源码包的编译安装是非常关键的,我们知道linux的相关版本非常多,相关的编译器,解释器也有很多,很多还有最小系统,嵌入式系统等等.同一功能的软件如果只有编译好的软件包,在其它linux的平台上,可能并不能正常安装运行,在此情况下,源码包编译安装出现了.所以本文的重点是以nginx为例,给出源码包编译安装的详细过程,同时带你手工编写自动化运行脚本. 准备工