1 class int(object): 2 """ 3 int(x=0) -> int or long 4 int(x, base=10) -> int or long 5 6 Convert a number or string to an integer, or return 0 if no arguments 7 are given. If x is floating point, the conversion truncates towards zero. 8 If x is outside the integer range, the function returns a long instead. 9 10 If x is not a number or if base is given, then x must be a string or 11 Unicode object representing an integer literal in the given base. The 12 literal can be preceded by ‘+‘ or ‘-‘ and be surrounded by whitespace. 13 The base defaults to 10. Valid bases are 0 and 2-36. Base 0 means to 14 interpret the base from the string as an integer literal. 15 >>> int(‘0b100‘, base=0) 16 4 17 """ 18 def bit_length(self): 19 """ 返回表示该数字的时占用的最少位数 """ 20 """ 21 int.bit_length() -> int 22 23 Number of bits necessary to represent self in binary. 24 >>> bin(37) 25 ‘0b100101‘ 26 >>> (37).bit_length() 27 6 28 """ 29 return 0 30 31 def conjugate(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown 32 """ 返回该复数的共轭复数 """ 33 """ Returns self, the complex conjugate of any int. """ 34 pass 35 36 def __abs__(self): 37 """ 返回绝对值 """ 38 """ x.__abs__() <==> abs(x) """ 39 pass 40 41 def __add__(self, y): 42 """ x.__add__(y) <==> x+y """ 43 pass 44 45 def __and__(self, y): 46 """ x.__and__(y) <==> x&y """ 47 pass 48 49 def __cmp__(self, y): 50 """ 比较两个数大小 """ 51 """ x.__cmp__(y) <==> cmp(x,y) """ 52 pass 53 54 def __coerce__(self, y): 55 """ 强制生成一个元组 """ 56 """ x.__coerce__(y) <==> coerce(x, y) """ 57 pass 58 59 def __divmod__(self, y): 60 """ 相除,得到商和余数组成的元组 """ 61 """ x.__divmod__(y) <==> divmod(x, y) """ 62 pass 63 64 def __div__(self, y): 65 """ x.__div__(y) <==> x/y """ 66 pass 67 68 def __float__(self): 69 """ 转换为浮点类型 """ 70 """ x.__float__() <==> float(x) """ 71 pass 72 73 def __floordiv__(self, y): 74 """ x.__floordiv__(y) <==> x//y """ 75 pass 76 77 def __format__(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown 78 pass 79 80 def __getattribute__(self, name): 81 """ x.__getattribute__(‘name‘) <==> """ 82 pass 83 84 def __getnewargs__(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown 85 """ 内部调用 __new__方法或创建对象时传入参数使用 """ 86 pass 87 88 def __hash__(self): 89 """如果对象object为哈希表类型,返回对象object的哈希值。哈希值为整数。在字典查找中,哈希值用于快速比较字典的键。两个数值如果相等,则哈希值也相等。""" 90 """ x.__hash__() <==> hash(x) """ 91 pass 92 93 def __hex__(self): 94 """ 返回当前数的 十六进制 表示 """ 95 """ x.__hex__() <==> hex(x) """ 96 pass 97 98 def __index__(self): 99 """ 用于切片,数字无意义 """ 100 """ x[y:z] <==> x[y.__index__():z.__index__()] """ 101 pass 102 103 def __init__(self, x, base=10): # known special case of int.__init__ 104 """ 构造方法,执行 x = 123 或 x = int(10) 时,自动调用,暂时忽略 """ 105 """ 106 int(x=0) -> int or long 107 int(x, base=10) -> int or long 108 109 Convert a number or string to an integer, or return 0 if no arguments 110 are given. If x is floating point, the conversion truncates towards zero. 111 If x is outside the integer range, the function returns a long instead. 112 113 If x is not a number or if base is given, then x must be a string or 114 Unicode object representing an integer literal in the given base. The 115 literal can be preceded by ‘+‘ or ‘-‘ and be surrounded by whitespace. 116 The base defaults to 10. Valid bases are 0 and 2-36. Base 0 means to 117 interpret the base from the string as an integer literal. 118 >>> int(‘0b100‘, base=0) 119 4 120 # (copied from class doc) 121 """ 122 pass 123 124 def __int__(self): 125 """ 转换为整数 """ 126 """ x.__int__() <==> int(x) """ 127 pass 128 129 def __invert__(self): 130 """ x.__invert__() <==> ~x """ 131 pass 132 133 def __long__(self): 134 """ 转换为长整数 """ 135 """ x.__long__() <==> long(x) """ 136 pass 137 138 def __lshift__(self, y): 139 """ x.__lshift__(y) <==> x<<y """ 140 pass 141 142 def __mod__(self, y): 143 """ x.__mod__(y) <==> x%y """ 144 pass 145 146 def __mul__(self, y): 147 """ x.__mul__(y) <==> x*y """ 148 pass 149 150 def __neg__(self): 151 """ x.__neg__() <==> -x """ 152 pass 153 154 @staticmethod # known case of __new__ 155 def __new__(S, *more): 156 """ T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T """ 157 pass 158 159 def __nonzero__(self): 160 """ x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0 """ 161 pass 162 163 def __oct__(self): 164 """ 返回改值的 八进制 表示 """ 165 """ x.__oct__() <==> oct(x) """ 166 pass 167 168 def __or__(self, y): 169 """ x.__or__(y) <==> x|y """ 170 pass 171 172 def __pos__(self): 173 """ x.__pos__() <==> +x """ 174 pass 175 176 def __pow__(self, y, z=None): 177 """ 幂,次方 """ 178 """ x.__pow__(y[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z]) """ 179 pass 180 181 def __radd__(self, y): 182 """ x.__radd__(y) <==> y+x """ 183 pass 184 185 def __rand__(self, y): 186 """ x.__rand__(y) <==> y&x """ 187 pass 188 189 def __rdivmod__(self, y): 190 """ x.__rdivmod__(y) <==> divmod(y, x) """ 191 pass 192 193 def __rdiv__(self, y): 194 """ x.__rdiv__(y) <==> y/x """ 195 pass 196 197 def __repr__(self): 198 """转化为解释器可读取的形式 """ 199 """ x.__repr__() <==> repr(x) """ 200 pass 201 202 def __str__(self): 203 """转换为人阅读的形式,如果没有适于人阅读的解释形式的话,则返回解释器课阅读的形式""" 204 """ x.__str__() <==> str(x) """ 205 pass 206 207 def __rfloordiv__(self, y): 208 """ x.__rfloordiv__(y) <==> y//x """ 209 pass 210 211 def __rlshift__(self, y): 212 """ x.__rlshift__(y) <==> y<<x """ 213 pass 214 215 def __rmod__(self, y): 216 """ x.__rmod__(y) <==> y%x """ 217 pass 218 219 def __rmul__(self, y): 220 """ x.__rmul__(y) <==> y*x """ 221 pass 222 223 def __ror__(self, y): 224 """ x.__ror__(y) <==> y|x """ 225 pass 226 227 def __rpow__(self, x, z=None): 228 """ y.__rpow__(x[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z]) """ 229 pass 230 231 def __rrshift__(self, y): 232 """ x.__rrshift__(y) <==> y>>x """ 233 pass 234 235 def __rshift__(self, y): 236 """ x.__rshift__(y) <==> x>>y """ 237 pass 238 239 def __rsub__(self, y): 240 """ x.__rsub__(y) <==> y-x """ 241 pass 242 243 def __rtruediv__(self, y): 244 """ x.__rtruediv__(y) <==> y/x """ 245 pass 246 247 def __rxor__(self, y): 248 """ x.__rxor__(y) <==> y^x """ 249 pass 250 251 def __sub__(self, y): 252 """ x.__sub__(y) <==> x-y """ 253 pass 254 255 def __truediv__(self, y): 256 """ x.__truediv__(y) <==> x/y """ 257 pass 258 259 def __trunc__(self, *args, **kwargs): 260 """ 返回数值被截取为整形的值,在整形中无意义 """ 261 pass 262 263 def __xor__(self, y): 264 """ x.__xor__(y) <==> x^y """ 265 pass 266 267 denominator = property(lambda self: object(), lambda self, v: None, lambda self: None) # default 268 """ 分母 = 1 """ 269 """the denominator of a rational number in lowest terms""" 270 271 imag = property(lambda self: object(), lambda self, v: None, lambda self: None) # default 272 """ 虚数,无意义 """ 273 """the imaginary part of a complex number""" 274 275 numerator = property(lambda self: object(), lambda self, v: None, lambda self: None) # default 276 """ 分子 = 数字大小 """ 277 """the numerator of a rational number in lowest terms""" 278 279 real = property(lambda self: object(), lambda self, v: None, lambda self: None) # default 280 """ 实属,无意义 """ 281 """the real part of a complex number"""
时间: 2024-12-23 06:04:26