Script Task(脚本服务)
A script task is an automatic activity. When a process execution arrives at the script task, the corresponding script is executed.
Graphical Notation(图形)
A script task is visualized as a typical BPMN 2.0 task (rounded rectangle), with a small ‘script‘ icon in the top-left corner of the rectangle.
d的的脚本任务可视化为一个典型的BPMN 2.0 任务(圆角矩形),在矩形的左上角带有一个小的‘脚本’图标。
A script task is defined by specifying the script and the scriptFormat.
通过指定脚本(script )和脚本格式(scriptFormat)定义一个脚本任务。
<scriptTask id="theScriptTask" name="Execute script" scriptFormat="groovy">
sum = 0
for ( i in inputArray ) {
sum += i
The value of the scriptFormat attribute must be a name that is compatible with the JSR-223 (scripting for the Java platform). The Groovy jar is shipped by default with the Activiti distribution. If you want to use another (JSR-223 compatible) scripting engine, it is sufficient to add the corresponding jar to the classpath and use the appropriate name.
scriptFormat属性的值必须是一个和JSR-223 兼容的名称(Java平台上的脚本系统)。发布包缺省带有Groovy jar包。如果你想使用另外的脚本引擎,将相应的jar包加入classpath里。
Variables in scripts(脚本里的变量)
All process variables that are accessible through the execution that arrives in the script task, can be used within the script. In the example, the script variable ‘inputArray‘ is in fact a process variable (an array of integers).
sum = 0
for ( i in inputArray ) {
sum += i
It‘s also possible to set process variables in a script, simply by using an assignment statement. In the example above, the ‘sum‘ variable will be stored as a process variable after the script task has been executed. To avoid this behavior, script-local variables can be used. In Groovy, the keyword ‘def‘ must then be used: ‘def sum = 0‘. In that case, no process variable will be stored.
简单地通过使用一个赋值语句,也可能在一个脚本里设置流程变量。在上例,在脚本任务已经执行之后, ‘sum‘变量将保存为一个流程变量。为了避免这个行为,能够使用脚本局部变量。在Groovy里面,必须使用关键字 ‘def‘ : ‘def sum = 0‘。在那种情况下,将不保存任何流程变量。
An alternative is to set variables through the current execution, which is available as a reserved variable called ‘execution‘.
通过当前执行,有另外设置变量的可选方式,作为叫做 ‘execution‘的保留变量可以获得。
def scriptVar = "test123"
execution.setVariable("myVar", scriptVar)
Note: the following names are reserved and cannot be used as variable names: out, out:print, lang:import, context, elcontext.
注意:下列名称将要保留并且不能作为变量名被使用(cannot be used):out, out:print, lang:import, context, elcontext。
Script results(脚本结果)
The return value of a script task can be assigned to an already existing or to a new process variable by specifying the process variable name as a literal value for the‘activiti:resultVariableName‘ attribute of a script task definition. Any existing value for a specific process variable will be overwritten by the result value of the script execution. When not specifying a result variable name, the script result value gets ignored.
为了一个脚本任务定义的属性 ‘activiti:resultVariableName‘ ,通过指定流程变量名称为一个字面值,脚本任务的返回值能够分配给已经存在的或者一个新的流程变量。对于一个特定的流程变量的任何存在的值将被脚本执行的结果值复写。当没有指定一个结果变量值,脚本结果值被忽视。
<scriptTask id="theScriptTask" name="Execute script" scriptFormat="juel" activiti:resultVariableName="myVar">
In the above example, the result of the script execution (the value of the resolved expression ‘#{echo}‘) is set to the process variable named ‘myVar‘ after the script completes.
的在上例里,在脚本完成之后,脚本执行(解析变量 ‘#{echo}‘的值)的结果被设置为名叫‘myVar‘的流程变量。
Groovy是一种基于JVM(Java虚拟机)的敏捷开发语言,它结合了Python、Ruby和Smalltalk的许多强大的特性,Groovy 代码能够与 Java 代码很好地结合,也能用于扩展现有代码。由于其运行在 JVM 上的特性,Groovy 可以使用其他 Java 语言编写的库。
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 2 <definitions xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:activiti="" xmlns:bpmndi="" xmlns:omgdc="" xmlns:omgdi="" typeLanguage="" expressionLanguage="" targetNamespace=""> 3 <process id="process" isExecutable="true"> 4 <startEvent id="sid-42267A2F-38D1-4A65-A383-6E74430FACC1" activiti:initiator="admin"></startEvent> 5 <scriptTask id="sid-2E17D24E-A933-48E8-8A86-7A05DD363386" name="脚本任务" scriptFormat="groovy" activiti:autoStoreVariables="false"> 6 <script><![CDATA[import light.mvc.workflow.scriptTask.ScriptTask; 7 public class GPerson { 8 public void say(String name){ 9 println "Hello, $name! "; 10 } 11 def foo(){ 12 ScriptTask p = new ScriptTask(); 13 p.ScriptTaskWriteToConsole(); 14 } 15 static void main(args) { 16 GPerson gp = new GPerson(); 17 gp.say("jesai!"); 18; 19 } 20 } 21 22 def gp = new GPerson() 23 gp.say("jesai!") 24]]></script> 25 </scriptTask> 26 <endEvent id="sid-315AF00C-DE1A-4390-89B9-F33640B62AAF"></endEvent> 27 <sequenceFlow id="sid-19DCED8B-09E1-4E5C-B81C-4B02B09ED6E9" sourceRef="sid-2E17D24E-A933-48E8-8A86-7A05DD363386" targetRef="sid-315AF00C-DE1A-4390-89B9-F33640B62AAF"></sequenceFlow> 28 <sequenceFlow id="sid-A0230878-472D-4D2B-8FF9-8D7CC9DC5621" sourceRef="sid-42267A2F-38D1-4A65-A383-6E74430FACC1" targetRef="sid-2E17D24E-A933-48E8-8A86-7A05DD363386"></sequenceFlow> 29 </process> 30 <bpmndi:BPMNDiagram id="BPMNDiagram_process"> 31 <bpmndi:BPMNPlane bpmnElement="process" id="BPMNPlane_process"> 32 <bpmndi:BPMNShape bpmnElement="sid-42267A2F-38D1-4A65-A383-6E74430FACC1" id="BPMNShape_sid-42267A2F-38D1-4A65-A383-6E74430FACC1"> 33 <omgdc:Bounds height="30.0" width="30.0" x="106.75" y="97.0"></omgdc:Bounds> 34 </bpmndi:BPMNShape> 35 <bpmndi:BPMNShape bpmnElement="sid-2E17D24E-A933-48E8-8A86-7A05DD363386" id="BPMNShape_sid-2E17D24E-A933-48E8-8A86-7A05DD363386"> 36 <omgdc:Bounds height="80.0" width="100.0" x="252.75" y="72.0"></omgdc:Bounds> 37 </bpmndi:BPMNShape> 38 <bpmndi:BPMNShape bpmnElement="sid-315AF00C-DE1A-4390-89B9-F33640B62AAF" id="BPMNShape_sid-315AF00C-DE1A-4390-89B9-F33640B62AAF"> 39 <omgdc:Bounds height="28.0" width="28.0" x="405.0" y="98.0"></omgdc:Bounds> 40 </bpmndi:BPMNShape> 41 <bpmndi:BPMNEdge bpmnElement="sid-19DCED8B-09E1-4E5C-B81C-4B02B09ED6E9" id="BPMNEdge_sid-19DCED8B-09E1-4E5C-B81C-4B02B09ED6E9"> 42 <omgdi:waypoint x="352.75" y="112.0"></omgdi:waypoint> 43 <omgdi:waypoint x="405.0" y="112.0"></omgdi:waypoint> 44 </bpmndi:BPMNEdge> 45 <bpmndi:BPMNEdge bpmnElement="sid-A0230878-472D-4D2B-8FF9-8D7CC9DC5621" id="BPMNEdge_sid-A0230878-472D-4D2B-8FF9-8D7CC9DC5621"> 46 <omgdi:waypoint x="136.75" y="112.0"></omgdi:waypoint> 47 <omgdi:waypoint x="252.75" y="112.0"></omgdi:waypoint> 48 </bpmndi:BPMNEdge> 49 </bpmndi:BPMNPlane> 50 </bpmndi:BPMNDiagram> 51 </definitions>
import light.mvc.workflow.scriptTask.ScriptTask; public class GPerson { public void say(String name){ println "Hello, $name! "; } def foo(){ ScriptTask p = new ScriptTask(); p.ScriptTaskWriteToConsole(); } static void main(args) { GPerson gp = new GPerson(); gp.say("jesai!");; } } def gp = new GPerson() gp.say("jesai!")
1 package light.mvc.workflow.scriptTask; 2 3 4 5 /** 6 7 * 8 9 * 项目名称:lightmvc 10 11 * 类名称:ScriptTask 12 13 * 类描述: 14 15 * 创建人:邓家海 16 17 * 创建时间:2017年6月4日 下午8:02:29 18 19 * 修改人:deng 20 21 * 修改时间:2017年6月4日 下午8:02:29 22 23 * 修改备注: 24 25 * @version 26 27 * 28 29 */ 30 31 32 33 public class ScriptTask { 34 35 36 37 public void ScriptTaskWriteToConsole(){ 38 39 System.out.println("hellow,It is ScriptTask Running!test success!"); 40 41 } 42 43 44 45 }