hdu 4005 The war


In the war, the intelligence about the enemy is very important. Now, our troop has mastered the situation of the enemy‘s war zones, and known that these war zones can communicate to each other directly or indirectly through the network. We also know the enemy is going to build a new communication line to strengthen their communication network. Our task is to destroy their communication network, so that some of their war zones can‘t communicate. Each line has its "cost of destroy". If we want to destroy a line, we must spend the "cost of destroy" of this line. We want to finish this task using the least cost, but our enemy is very clever. Now, we know the network they have already built, but we know nothing about the new line which our enemy is going to build. In this condition, your task is to find the minimum cost that no matter where our enemy builds the new line, you can destroy it using the fixed money. Please give the minimum cost. For efficiency, we can only destroy one communication line.












  1 #include<iostream>
  2 #include<cstdio>
  3 #include<cstring>
  4 #include<cstdlib>
  5 #include<cmath>
  6 #include<algorithm>
  7 #include<vector>
  8 #define inf 0x7fffffff
  9 using namespace std;
 10 const int maxn=10000+10;
 11 const int M = 2e5+100;
 12 int n,m;
 13 struct Edge
 14 {
 15     int u,v,cost;
 16     int next;
 17 }edge[M];
 18 int head[maxn],edgenum;
 19 void add(int u,int v,int cost)
 20 {
 21     Edge E={u,v,cost,head[u] };
 22     edge[edgenum]=E;
 23     head[u]=edgenum++;
 25     Edge E1={v,u,cost,head[v] };
 26     edge[edgenum]=E1;
 27     head[v]=edgenum++;
 28 }
 30 int pre[maxn],low[maxn],dfs_clock,bcc_cnt,index;
 31 int mark[maxn];
 32 vector< vector<Edge> > dfsmap;
 33 vector<int> vec;
 34 int color[maxn];
 35 int dfs(int u,int fa)
 36 {
 37     low[u]=pre[u]= ++dfs_clock;
 38     int flag=1;
 39     for (int i=head[u] ;i!=-1 ;i=edge[i].next)
 40     {
 41         int v=edge[i].v;
 42         if (v==fa && flag) {flag=0;continue; }
 43         if (!pre[v])
 44         {
 45             dfs(v,u);
 46             low[u]=min(low[u],low[v]);
 47         }
 48         else if (pre[v]<pre[u])
 49         low[u]=min(low[u],pre[v]);
 50     }
 51 }
 52 void tarjan(int u,int fa){
 53     vec.push_back(u);
 54     pre[u]=low[u]=index++;
 55     mark[u]=true;
 56     bool flag=true;
 57     for(int i=head[u] ;i!=-1 ;i=edge[i].next){
 58         int d=edge[i].v;
 59         if(d==fa && flag){flag=false;continue;}
 60         if(!pre[d]){
 61             tarjan(d,u);
 62             low[u]=min(low[u],low[d]);
 63         }else {
 64             low[u]=min(low[u],pre[d]);
 65         }
 66     }
 67     if(low[u]==pre[u]){
 68         int d;
 69         bcc_cnt++;
 70         do{
 71             d=vec.back();
 72             vec.pop_back();
 73             color[d]=bcc_cnt;
 74             mark[d]=false;
 75         }while(d!=u);
 76     }
 77 }
 78 void find_bcc()
 79 {
 80     memset(pre,0,sizeof(pre));
 81     memset(low,0,sizeof(low));
 82     memset(mark,false,sizeof(mark));
 83     vec.clear();
 84     dfs_clock=bcc_cnt=0;
 85     index=1;
 86     for (int i=1 ;i<=n ;i++)
 87     if (!pre[i]) tarjan(i,-1);
 88 }
 89 int mindistance;
 90 pair<int,int> dfs2(int u,int fa)
 91 {
 92     int first=inf,second=inf;
 93     for (int i=0 ;i<dfsmap[u].size() ;i++)
 94     {
 95         int v=dfsmap[u][i].v;
 96         int w=dfsmap[u][i].cost;
 97         if (v==fa) continue;
 98         pair<int,int> tmp=dfs2(v,u);
 99         if (tmp.first>w) swap(tmp.first,w);
100         //if (second>w) second=w;
101         if (tmp.first<first)
102         {
103             second=min(tmp.second,first);
104             first=tmp.first;
105         }
106         else if (tmp.first<second) second=tmp.first;
107     }
108     return make_pair(first,second);
109 }
110 int main()
111 {
112     int a,b,c;
113     while (scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)!=EOF)
114     {
115         memset(head,-1,sizeof(head));
116         edgenum=0;
117         for (int i=0 ;i<m ;i++)
118         {
119             scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c);
120             add(a,b,c);
121         }
122         find_bcc();
123         cout<<endl<<bcc_cnt<<endl;
124         for (int i=1 ;i<=n ;i++)
125         cout<<i<<"  "<<low[i]<<"  "<<color[i]<<endl;
126         cout<<endl;
127         dfsmap.resize(n+10);
128         for (int i=1 ;i<n+10 ;i++) dfsmap[i].clear();
129         int mindist=inf,uu=0,vv=0;
130         for (int i=0 ;i<edgenum ;i++)
131         {
132             int u=edge[i].u;
133             int v=edge[i].v;
134             int w=edge[i].cost;
135             int u1=color[u] ,v1=color[v] ;
136             if (u1 != v1)
137             {
138                 Edge E={u1,v1,edge[i].cost };
139                 dfsmap[u1].push_back(E);
140                 if (edge[i].cost<mindist)
141                 {
142                     mindist=edge[i].cost;
143                     uu=u1 ;vv=v1 ;
144                 }
145             }
146         }
147 //        for (int i=1 ;i<=n ;i++)
148 //        {
149 //            int u=low[i];
150 //            for (int j=head[i] ;j!=-1 ;j=edge[j].next)
151 //            {
152 //                int v=low[edge[j].v ];
153 //                if (u!=v)
154 //                {
155 //                    Edge E={u,v,edge[j].cost };
156 //                    dfsmap[u].push_back(E);
157 //                    if (edge[j].cost<mindist)
158 //                    {
159 //                        mindist=edge[j].cost;
160 //                        uu=u ;vv=v ;
161 //                    }
162 //                }
163 //            }
164 //        }
165         mindistance=inf;
166         pair<int,int> p1=dfs2(uu,vv);
167         pair<int,int> p2=dfs2(vv,uu);
168         //pair<int,int> p1=dfs3(uu,vv);
169         //pair<int,int> p2=dfs3(vv,uu);
170         mindistance=min(mindistance,min(p1.second,p2.second));
171         printf("%d\n",mindistance==inf ? -1 : mindistance);
172     }
173     return 0;
174 }


时间: 2024-12-28 21:44:46

hdu 4005 The war的相关文章

HDU 4005 The war(双连通好题)

HDU 4005 The war 题目链接 题意:给一个连通的无向图,每条边有一个炸掉的代价,现在要建一条边(你不不知道的),然后你要求一个你需要的最少代价,保证不管他建在哪,你都能炸掉使得图不连通 思路:炸肯定要炸桥,所以先双连通缩点,得到一棵树,树边是要炸的,那么找一个最小值的边,从该边的两点出发,走的路径中,把两条包含最小值的路径,的两点连边,形成一个环,这个环就保证了最低代价在里面,除了这个环以外的最小边,就是答案,这样的话,就利用一个dfs,搜到每个子树的时候进行一个维护即可 代码:

HDU 4005 The war Tarjan+dp

The war Problem Description In the war, the intelligence about the enemy is very important. Now, our troop has mastered the situation of the enemy's war zones, and known that these war zones can communicate to each other directly or indirectly throug

hdu 4005 双联通 2011大连赛区网络赛E *****

题意: 有一幅图,现在要加一条边,加边之后要你删除一条边,使图不连通,费用为边的费用,要你求的是删除的边的最小值的最大值(每次都可以删除一条边,选最小的删除,这些最小中的最大就为答案) 首先要进行缩点,把图缩为一棵树,因此,加入一条边后图就会存在一个环,环中的任何一条边删除后都不会导致图不连通 之后找一条最小的边,可以说这条边肯定是在加边之后的连通块里的,因为如果不在连通块里,那就直接可以把这条最小的边删掉,而达不到求出答案的目的 找到边后,分别从边的两点开始遍历,要遍历出一条路径来,并且边上的


双连通总结 这类问题分为,边-双连通,点-双连通 边双连通 边双连通,求出来后,连接没一个双连通的分量的就是割边,因此可以缩点成一棵树,把问题转化为在树上搞,割边的定义为:去掉这条边后图将不连通 基本这类题都一个解法,求双连通分量,然后缩点成树,进行操作 或者就是直接要求割边,做跟割边相关的操作 模板: #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <algorithm> #

图论 500题——主要为hdu/poj/zoj

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