

  我在网上找了很多资料,在最终得出的结论就是电脑必须安装有code39/code 128 字体。具体下载地址我就不说,网上很多。我们以code 128 为例开始操作。




  1 using System;
  2 using System.Drawing;
  3 using System.Drawing.Imaging;
  4 using System.IO;
  5 public sealed class Code39
  6 {
  7     #region private variables
  8     /// <summary>
  9     /// The Space Between each of Title, BarCode, BarCodeString
 10     /// </summary>
 11     private const int SPACE_HEIGHT = 3;
 12     SizeF _sizeLabel = SizeF.Empty;
 13     SizeF _sizeBarCodeValue = SizeF.Empty;
 14     SizeF _sizeBarCodeString = SizeF.Empty;
 15     #endregion
 16     #region Label
 17     private string _label = null;
 18     private Font _labelFont = null;
 19     /// <summary>
 20     /// BarCode Title (条码标签)
 21     /// </summary>
 22     public string Label
 23     {
 24         set { _label = value; }
 25     }
 26     /// <summary>
 27     /// BarCode Title Font (条码标签使用的字体)
 28     /// </summary>
 29     public Font LabelFont
 30     {
 31         get
 32         {
 33             if (_labelFont == null)
 34                 return new Font("Code 128", 10);
 35             return _labelFont;
 36         }
 37         set { _labelFont = value; }
 38     }
 39     #endregion
 40     private string _additionalInfo = null;
 41     private Font _addtionalInfoFont = null;
 42     /// <summary>
 43     /// Additional Info Font (附加信息字体)
 44     /// </summary>
 45     public Font AdditionalInfoFont
 46     {
 47         set { _addtionalInfoFont = value; }
 48         get
 49         {
 50             if (_addtionalInfoFont == null) return new Font("Code 128", 10);
 51             return _addtionalInfoFont;
 52         }
 53     }
 54     /// <summary>
 55     /// Additional Info Content, if "ShowBarCodeValue" is true, the info is unvisible
 56     /// 附加信息,如果设置ShowBarCodeValue为true,则此项不显示
 57     /// </summary>
 58     public string AdditionalInfo
 59     {
 60         set { _additionalInfo = value; }
 61     }
 62     #region BarCode Value and Font
 63     private string _barCodeValue = null;
 64     /// <summary>
 65     /// BarCode Value (条码值)
 66     /// </summary>
 67     public string BarCodeValue
 68     {
 69         get
 70         {
 71             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_barCodeValue))
 72                 throw new NullReferenceException("The BarCodeValue has not been set yet!");
 73             return _barCodeValue;
 74         }
 75         set { _barCodeValue = value.StartsWith("*") && value.EndsWith("*") ? value : "*" + value + "*"; }
 76     }
 77     private bool _showBarCodeValue = false;
 78     /// <summary>
 79     /// whether to show the original string of barcode value bellow the barcode
 80     /// 是否在条码下方显示条码值,默认为false
 81     /// </summary>
 82     public bool ShowBarCodeValue
 83     {
 84         set { _showBarCodeValue = value; }
 85     }
 86     private Font _barCodeValueFont = null;
 87     /// <summary>
 88     /// the font of the codestring to show
 89     /// 条码下方显示的条码值的字体
 90     /// </summary>
 91     public Font BarCodeValueFont
 92     {
 93         get
 94         {
 95             if (_barCodeValueFont == null)
 96                 return new Font("Code 128", 50);
 97             return _barCodeValueFont;
 98         }
 99         set { _barCodeValueFont = value; }
100     }
101     private int _barCodeFontSize = 50;
102     /// <summary>
103     /// the font size of the barcode value to draw
104     /// 条码绘制的大小,默认50
105     /// </summary>
106     public int BarCodeFontSzie
107     {
108         set { _barCodeFontSize = value; }
109     }
110     #endregion
111     #region generate the barcode image
112     private Bitmap BlankBackImage
113     {
114         get
115         {
116             int barCodeWidth = 0, barCodeHeight = 0;
117             using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(1, 1, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb))
118             {
119                 using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
120                 {
121                     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_label))
122                     {
123                         _sizeLabel = g.MeasureString(_label, LabelFont);
124                         barCodeWidth = (int)_sizeLabel.Width;
125                         barCodeHeight = (int)_sizeLabel.Height + SPACE_HEIGHT;
126                     }
127                     _sizeBarCodeValue = g.MeasureString(BarCodeValue, new Font("Free 3 of 9 Extended", _barCodeFontSize));
128                     barCodeWidth = Math.Max(barCodeWidth, (int)_sizeBarCodeValue.Width);
129                     barCodeHeight += (int)_sizeBarCodeValue.Height;
130                     if (_showBarCodeValue)
131                     {
132                         _sizeBarCodeString = g.MeasureString(_barCodeValue, BarCodeValueFont);
133                         barCodeWidth = Math.Max(barCodeWidth, (int)_sizeBarCodeString.Width);
134                         barCodeHeight += (int)_sizeBarCodeString.Height + SPACE_HEIGHT;
135                     }
136                     //else
137                     //{
138                     // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_additionalInfo))
139                     // {
140                     // _sizeAdditionalInfo = g.MeasureString(_additionalInfo, AdditionalInfoFont);
141                     // barCodeWidth = Math.Max(barCodeWidth, (int)_sizeAdditionalInfo.Width);
142                     // barCodeHeight += (int)_sizeAdditionalInfo.Height + SPACE_HEIGHT;
143                     // }
144                     //}
145                 }
146             }
147             return new Bitmap(barCodeWidth, barCodeHeight, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
148         }
149     }
150     /// <summary>
151     /// Draw the barcode value to the blank back image and output it to the browser
152     /// 绘制WebForm形式的条码
153     /// </summary>
154     /// <param name="ms">Recommand the "Response.OutputStream" 使用 Response.OutputStream</param>
155     /// <param name="imageFormat">The Image format to the Browser 输出到浏览器到图片格式,建议GIF</param>
156     public Bitmap CreateWebForm(Stream ms, ImageFormat imageFormat)
157     {
158         int barCodeWidth, barCodeHeight;
159         using (Bitmap bmp = this.BlankBackImage)
160         {
161             barCodeHeight = bmp.Height;
162             barCodeWidth = bmp.Width;
163             using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
164             {
165                 g.Clear(Color.White);
166                 g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
167                 g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
168                 int vPos = 0;
169                 ////Draw Label String
170                 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_label))
171                 {
172                     g.DrawString(_label, LabelFont, new SolidBrush(Color.Black),
173                     XCenter((int)_sizeLabel.Width, barCodeWidth), vPos);
174                     vPos += (int)_sizeLabel.Height + SPACE_HEIGHT;
175                 }
176                 else { vPos = SPACE_HEIGHT; }
177                 ////Draw The Bar Value
178                 g.DrawString(_barCodeValue, new Font("Free 3 of 9 Extended", _barCodeFontSize), new SolidBrush(Color.Black),
179                 XCenter((int)_sizeBarCodeValue.Width, barCodeWidth), vPos);
180                 ////Draw the BarValue String
181                 if (_showBarCodeValue)
182                 {
183                     g.DrawString(_barCodeValue, BarCodeValueFont, new SolidBrush(Color.Black),
184                     XCenter((int)_sizeBarCodeString.Width, barCodeWidth),
185                     vPos + (int)_sizeBarCodeValue.Height);
186                 }
187                 //else
188                 //{
189                 // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_additionalInfo))
190                 // {
191                 // g.DrawString(_additionalInfo, AdditionalInfoFont, new SolidBrush(Color.Black),
192                 // XCenter((int)_sizeAdditionalInfo.Width, barCodeWidth),
193                 // vPos + (int)_sizeBarCodeValue.Height);
194                 // }
195                 //}
196             }
197             bmp.Save(ms, imageFormat);
198             return bmp;
199         }
200     }
201     /// <summary>
202     /// 生成winform格式的条码
203     /// </summary>
204     /// <param name="imageFormat">图片格式,建议GIF</param>
205     /// <returns>Stream类型</returns>
206     public Stream CreateWinForm(ImageFormat imageFormat)
207     {
208         int barCodeWidth, barCodeHeight;
209         using (Bitmap bmp = this.BlankBackImage)
210         {
211             barCodeHeight = bmp.Height;
212             barCodeWidth = bmp.Width;
213             using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
214             {
215                 g.Clear(Color.White);
216                 g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
217                 g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
218                 int vPos = 0;
219                 ////Draw Label String
220                 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_label))
221                 {
222                     g.DrawString(_label, LabelFont, new SolidBrush(Color.Black),
223                     XCenter((int)_sizeLabel.Width, barCodeWidth), vPos);
224                     vPos += (int)_sizeLabel.Height + SPACE_HEIGHT;
225                 }
226                 else { vPos = SPACE_HEIGHT; }
227                 ////Draw The Bar Value
228                 g.DrawString(_barCodeValue, new Font("Free 3 of 9 Extended", _barCodeFontSize), new SolidBrush(Color.Black),
229                 XCenter((int)_sizeBarCodeValue.Width, barCodeWidth), vPos);
230                 ////Draw the BarValue String
231                 if (_showBarCodeValue)
232                 {
233                     g.DrawString(_barCodeValue, BarCodeValueFont, new SolidBrush(Color.Black),
234                     XCenter((int)_sizeBarCodeString.Width, barCodeWidth),
235                     vPos + (int)_sizeBarCodeValue.Height);
236                 }
237                 //else
238                 //{
239                 // //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_additionalInfo))
240                 // //{
241                 // // g.DrawString(_additionalInfo, AdditionalInfoFont, new SolidBrush(Color.Black),
242                 // // //XCenter((int)_sizeAdditionalInfo.Width, barCodeWidth),
243                 // // vPos + (int)_sizeBarCodeValue.Height);
244                 // //}
245                 //}
246             }
247             Stream ms = new MemoryStream();
248             bmp.Save(ms, imageFormat);
249             return ms;
250         }
251     }
252     #endregion
253     private static int XCenter(int subWidth, int globalWidth)
254     {
255         return (globalWidth - subWidth) / 2;
256     }
257 }

  这是从网上找的一段代码,感觉挺高大上,而且比我之前写的简易的调整起来方便  简易代码也张贴一下,但是我不建议用它,因为个人感觉不方便没上边的那段代码好用,因为上边的还可以在web段进行调用,专门有web段调用的方法。我写的这个可以直接在程序中使用,不需要重新创建类。

1 Bitmap b=new Bitmap(200,200);
2  Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(b);
3  Font font = new Font("Code39AzaleaRegular2", 32);
4  g.DrawString("123456", font, Brushes.Black, new PointF(100,100));
5  pictureBox1.BackgroundImage = b;
6  pictureBox1.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom


// 新建一个.aspx文件
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Code39 code39 = new Code39();
code39.BarCodeValue = "LDSO-001";
code39.BarCodeFontSzie = 60;
// code39.Label = "39码,底部显示码值";
code39.ShowBarCodeValue = true;
Response.Write(code39.CreateWebForm(Response.OutputStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif));
code39 = null;


 1        // 获取文本框内容
 2             string barCode = tb_barcode.Text;
 4             Code39 code39 = new Code39();
 6             code39.BarCodeValue = barCode;
 8             code39.BarCodeFontSzie = 10;
10             // code39.Label = barCode;
11             code39.ShowBarCodeValue = true;
12             // 将生成的条形码存放到picturebox控件的image中
13             pic_show.Image = Image.FromStream(code39.CreateWinForm(System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif));



 1  if (pic_show.Image != null)
 2             {
 3                 // 点击保存时候弹出本地窗口进行图片保存
 5                 SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog();
 6                 // 设置文件数据类型
 7                 sfd.Filter = "数据保存文件(*.jpg)|*.jpg|数据保存文件(*.png)|*.png|数据保存文件(*.bmp)|*.bmp";
 8                 // 设置默认文件类型顺序
 9                 sfd.FilterIndex = 1;
11                 // 保存对话框是否记忆上一次打开的路径
12                 sfd.RestoreDirectory = true;
13                 //
14                 if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
15                 {
16                     string localFilePath = sfd.FileName.ToString(); //获得文件路径
18                     string fileNameExt = localFilePath.Substring(localFilePath.LastIndexOf("//") + 1); //获取文件名,不带路径
20                     Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(pic_show.Image);
21                     // 保存文件到指定流
22                     bmp.Save(localFilePath);
25                 }
26             }



时间: 2024-07-29 19:43:03


Python3.4 获取百度网页源码并保存在本地文件中

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1 /** 2 * 抓取远程图片到本地,可以抓取不带有后缀的图片 3 * @author YanYing <[email protected]> 4 * @link 5 */ 6 class GrabImage{ 7 8 /** 9 * @var string 需要抓取的远程图片的地址 10 * 例如: 11 * 有一些远程文件路径可能不带拓展名 12 * 形如:http://www.x


导语:最近实在是太忙了,没有怎么更新公众号,也没有怎么认真去写一些内容,在这里先给关注我的朋友说一声抱歉,可能在接下来的一段时间,还是很忙,但是我会争取抽空多分享一下技术文章,给大家看,共同进步,也希望有能力的人可以一起出来分享. 我们在做应用开发的时候,需要程序的崩溃信息,来进行bug的修复和版本的更新,每一个应用程序都会有bug,所以都需要在后台纪录这些bug日志,然后上传到服务器,让程序员看,并进行修复.现在也有很多第三方的jar包能实现这种功能,比如友盟统计等,但是终究不如自己写的方便.