Python Numpy ValueError: data type must provide an itemsize






rownum = 0
f = open(train_Y_path)
for line in f.readlines():
    train_Y_matrix[rownum] = map(float,line.strip(‘\n ‘).split(‘ ‘))
    rownum += 1
print train_Y_matrix

其中将每一行的float切分 返回string的数组后再转化为float


train_Y_matrix = [[0 for col in range(n_outs)] for row in range(train_rows)]




train_X_matrix = numpy.empty((train_rows,n_ins),numpy.float64)
for line in f.readlines():
    train_X_matrix[rownum] = numpy.asarray(line.strip(‘\n ‘).split(‘ ‘), dtype=float)
    rownum += 1

这样就可以按照numpy array的方式来操作这个数组了

Python Numpy ValueError: data type must provide an itemsize

时间: 2025-01-04 05:59:53

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