set linesize 300 set pagesize 200 column blocker format a10 column blockee format a10 column blocker_sql format a30 column blockee_sql format a30 column blocker_machine format a30 column blocker_program format a30 column blocker_event format a30 column blockee_machine format a30 column blockee_program format a30 column blockee_event format a30 SELECT s1.username "WAIT", s1.machine "Machine", w.sid, s1.serial#, s1.SQL_ID, trim(P1.spid) "PID", -- S1.INST_ID "INSTANCE", S1.INST_ID "IN", s2.username "HOLD", s2.machine "Machine", h.sid, s2.serial#, s2.sql_id, trim(p2.spid) "PID", -- S2.INST_ID "INSTANCE", S2.INST_ID "IN", S2.PROCESS FROM gv$process P1, gv$process P2, gv$session S1, gv$session S2, gv$lock w, gv$lock h WHERE (((h.LMODE != 0) and (h.LMODE != 1) and ((h.REQUEST = 0) or (h.REQUEST = 1))) and (((w.LMODE= 1) or (w.LMODE = 0)) and ((w.REQUEST != 1) and (w.REQUEST != 0)))) and w.type = h.type and w.id1 = h.id1 and w.id2 = h.id2 and w.sid != h.sid and w.sid = S1.sid and h.sid = S2.sid and S1.EVENT =‘enq: DX - contention‘ AND S1.paddr = P1.addr AND S2.paddr = P2.addr order by "WAIT",h.CTIME;
时间: 2024-12-15 17:01:51