lua -- encode and decode


将表格数据编码为 JSON 字符串。


jsonString = json.encode(表格对象)

local str = json.encode({a=1,b="ss",c={c1=1,c2=2},d={10,11},100})
echo(str) -- {"a":1,"b":"ss","c":{"c1":1,"c2":2},"d":[10,11],"1":100}
local str = json.encode({1,2,"3",{10,11}})
echo(str) -- [1,2,"3",[10,11]]
Note: table作为字典使用时,整型键值将被转换为字符串键值

local str = json.encode({a=1,[5]=3})
echo(str) -- {"a":1,"5":3}
Note: table所有键值为整型时,会当作数组看待,空位将转化为null

local str = json.encode({[3]=2,[5]=3})
echo(str) -- [null,null,2,null,3]


将 JSON 字符串解码为表格对象。


table = json.decode(string)

local json = require("framework.shared.json")
local tb = json.decode(‘{"a":1,"b":"ss","c":{"c1":1,"c2":2},"d":[10,11],"1":100}‘)
dump(tb) --[[
- "<var>" = {
-     "1" = 100
-     "a" = 1
-     "b" = "ss"
-     "c" = {
-         "c1" = 1
-         "c2" = 2
-     }
-     "d" = {
-         1 = 10
-         2 = 11
-     }
- }
local tb = json.decode(‘[1,2,"3",[10,11]]‘)
dump(tb) --[[
- "<var>" = {
-     1 = 1
-     2 = 2
-     3 = "3"
-     4 = {
-         1 = 10
-         2 = 11
-     }
- }
时间: 2024-10-24 14:14:57

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