【靶场训练_DVWA】Command Execution



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if( isset( $_POST[ ‘submit‘ ] ) )
    $target = $_REQUEST[ ‘ip‘ ];

    if (stristr(php_uname(‘s‘), ‘Windows NT‘))

        $cmd = shell_exec( ‘ping  ‘ . $target );
        echo ‘<pre>‘.$cmd.‘</pre>‘;

        //如果是Linux就默认ping 3个包
        $cmd = shell_exec( ‘ping  -c 3 ‘ . $target );
        echo ‘<pre>‘.$cmd.‘</pre>‘;


  • $_REQUEST[]具用$_POST[] $_GET[]的功能,但是$_REQUEST[]比较慢。通过post和get方法提交的所有数据都可以通过$_REQUEST数组获得
  • php_uname — 返回运行 PHP 的系统的有关信息
  • stristr() 函数搜索字符串在另一字符串中的第一次出现
  • php_uname(‘s‘):返回操作系统名称



|| 或者  &;& 或者 &




if( isset( $_POST[ ‘submit‘] ) )

    $target = $_REQUEST[ ‘ip‘ ];

    // 过滤了 &&,;命令分割符
    $substitutions = array(
        ‘&&‘ => ‘‘,
        ‘;‘ => ‘‘,

    $target = str_replace( array_keys( $substitutions ), $substitutions, $target );

    // Determine OS and execute the ping command.
    if (stristr(php_uname(‘s‘), ‘Windows NT‘)) { 

        $cmd = shell_exec( ‘ping  ‘ . $target );
        echo ‘<pre>‘.$cmd.‘</pre>‘;

    } else { 

        $cmd = shell_exec( ‘ping  -c 3 ‘ . $target );
        echo ‘<pre>‘.$cmd.‘</pre>‘;






if( isset( $_POST[ ‘submit‘ ] ) )

    $target = $_REQUEST["ip"];

        stripslashes() 函数删除由 addslashes() 函数添加的反斜杠。

    $target = stripslashes( $target );

    // Split the IP into 4 octects
    $octet = explode(".", $target);

    // Check IF each octet is an integer
    if ((is_numeric($octet[0])) && (is_numeric($octet[1])) && (is_numeric($octet[2])) && (is_numeric($octet[3])) && (sizeof($octet) == 4)  )

    // If all 4 octets are int‘s put the IP back together.
    $target = $octet[0].‘.‘.$octet[1].‘.‘.$octet[2].‘.‘.$octet[3];

        // Determine OS and execute the ping command.
        if (stristr(php_uname(‘s‘), ‘Windows NT‘))

            $cmd = shell_exec( ‘ping  ‘ . $target );
            echo ‘<pre>‘.$cmd.‘</pre>‘;


            $cmd = shell_exec( ‘ping  -c 3 ‘ . $target );
            echo ‘<pre>‘.$cmd.‘</pre>‘;


        echo ‘<pre>ERROR: You have entered an invalid IP</pre>‘;




时间: 2024-11-19 09:28:18

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