handsontable-developer guide-cell function



TextRenderer: default

自己不能给cell加listener的原因:1、一个cell会多次调用renderer,可能会导致它有多个相同事件监听器;2、cell CRUD scrolling,可能导致cell和listener绑定错误。如果一定要这样做,需要把cell content放在div中,给div加监听器

renderer函数 尽可能的快和简洁






var hot = new Handsontable(document.getElementById(‘container‘), {
  columns: [
      renderer: Handsontable.NumericRenderer,
      editor: Handsontable.editors.TextEditor,
      validator: Handsontable.NumericValidator

var hot = new Handsontable(document.getElementById(‘container‘), {
  columns: [
      type: ‘numeric‘


//function的优先级高于typevar hot = new Handsontable(document.getElementById(‘container‘), {
  columns: [
    type: ‘numeric‘,
    validator: customValidator // validator function defined elsewhere
//type=‘password‘没有定义validator,比函数更特殊。var hot = new Handsontable(document.getElementById(‘container‘), {
  validator: customValidator, // validator function defined elsewhere
  columns: [
      type: ‘password‘
var hot = new Handsontable(document.getElementById(‘container‘), {
  columns: [
      renderer: Handsontable.PasswordRenderer,
      editor: Handsontable.editors.PasswordEditor,
      validator: undefined
      renderer: Handsontable.TextRenderer, // text cell type is the default one
      editor: Handsontable.editors.TextEditor, // text cell type is the default one
      validator: customValidator
//通过function定义的才可以,如果通过type定义的,则返回undefinedvar cellProperties = $(‘#container‘).handsontable(‘getCellMeta‘, 0, 0);
// get cell properties for cell [0, 0]
cellProperties.renderer; // get cell renderer
cellProperties.editor; // get cell editor
cellProperties.validator; // get cell validator
//通过function或者type定义的都可以getCellRenderer(row, col)
getCellEditor(row, col)
getCellValidator(row, col)


时间: 2024-08-01 07:46:35

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