
CMP[.W]   Compare source and destination
CMP.B     Compare source and destination

Syntax     CMP   src,dst   or  CMP.W src,dst
        CMP.B  src,dst

Operation   dst + .NOT.src + 1 or  (dst − src)


  The source operand is subtracted from the destination operand. This is accomplished by adding the 1s complement of the source operand plus 1. The two operands are not affected and the result is not stored; only the status bits are affected.

Status Bits   N: Set if result is negative, reset if positive (src >= dst)
        Z: Set if result is zero, reset otherwise (src = dst)
        C: Set if there is a carry from the MSB of the result, reset otherwise
        V: Set if an arithmetic overflow occurs, otherwise reset

Mode Bits   OSCOFF, CPUOFF, and GIE are not affected.

Example     R5 and R6 are compared. If they are equal, the program continues at the label EQUAL.

1  CMP R5,R6   ; R5 = R6?

Example     Two RAM blocks are compared. If they are not equal, the program branches to the label ERROR.

1     MOV #NUM,R5       ; number of words to be compared
2     MOV #BLOCK1,R6    ; BLOCK1 start address in R6
3     MOV #BLOCK2,R7    ; BLOCK2 start address in R7
4 L$1 CMP @R6+,0(R7)    ; Are Words equal? R6 increments
5     JNZ ERROR         ; No, branch to ERROR
6     INCD R7           ; Increment R7 pointer
7     DEC R5            ; Are all words compared?
8     JNZ L$1           ; No, another compare                                    

Example   The RAM bytes addressed by EDE and TONI are compared. If they are equal, the program continues at the label EQUAL.

2 JEQ EQUAL         ; YES, JUMP
时间: 2024-12-10 15:27:07



JMP  Jump unconditionally Syntax   JMP  label Operation PC + 2 × offset −> PC Description The 10-bit signed offset contained in the instruction LSBs is added to the program counter. Status Bits Status bits are not affected. Hint: This one-word instru

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C/C++ 调用qsort/sort 对字符数组排序的cmp函数写法

这个问题屡次碰到解决之后再次遇到又忘记怎么弄了,这次打算彻底搞清楚. ·C 首先对所谓字符数组的排序应该是对(char)*a[]数组而非(char)a[][]进行的排序,后者是无法直接调用qsort实现其排序的. cmp函数写法: 1 int cmp(const void *a, const void *b){ 2 return strcmp(*((char**)a), *((char**)b)); 3 } 很容易想象字符串在初始化时已经被分配了特定的存储空间,我们用其首地址标识该字符串. 对于


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