The package failed to load due to error 0xC0011008

For some reason I tried to open the dtsx file in the Deployment folder in sql server 2012 which build in visual studio 2013. After all I had nothing to lose. That is when I got these errors;

Error 1: Error loading CleanStagingTables.dtsx: The version number in the package is not valid. The version number cannot be greater than current version number.

Error 2: Error loading CleanStagingTables.dtsx: Package migration from version 3 to version 2 failed with error 0xC001700A “The version number in the package is not valid. The version number cannot be greater than current version number.”.

Error 3: Error loading CleanStagingTables.dtsx: Error loading value “<DTS:Property xmlns:DTS=”” DTS:Name=”PackageFormatVersion”>3</DTS:Property>” from node “DTS:Property”.

Error 4: Error loading ‘CleanStagingTables.dtsx’ : The package failed to load due to error 0xC0010014 “One or more error occurred. There should be more specific errors preceding this one that explains the details of the errors. This message is used as a return value from functions that encounter errors.”. This occurs when CPackage::LoadFromXML fails.


1) Install VS 2013

2)Install SQL Server 2014

3) Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence for Visual Studio 2013

4) Cozyroc SR3 from TFS:SSISPlus16-x64-SR3.msi

NOTE: This must be installed after the SQL data tools, as it places a DLL in the SSDT folder, but ONLY if it is already installed.

5) ODATA for SSIS (needed in Just Enough SSIS).  For oData source to be available within VS 2013, you’ll need to install the SQL Server Feature Pack:

The reason for this question : The version problem.

1.If you want to deploy the SSIS package which build in visual studio 2013 ,you must use SQL SERVER 2014.(notice :must use 2014 server)

2. If you install SQL Server 2012,you must  Rename the old exe in the 2012 path to a different name (Example:- C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DTS\Binn\DTEXEC_Old.exe).

Notice: Please choose the File name extensions Option in View tab.

3.redeploy the ssis package in sql server 2014 ,you will find it run ok

时间: 2024-08-29 21:57:26

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