Stop logging "internal dummy connection" in Apache

Apache 2.x keeps child processes alive by creating internal connections which appear in the log files as "internal dummy connection" on the IP address ::1 or If you ever monitor Apache log files you‘ll see a lot of these in the log files. This post shows how to prevent logging for these two IP addresses so your log files won‘t get filled up with these

What the log lines look like

With IPv6 the log lines come from the IP address ::1 and will look similar to this:

1 ::1 - - [11/Oct/2010:13:02:47 +1300] "OPTIONS * HTTP/1.0" 200 - "-" "Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) PHP/5.2.6-1+lenny9 with Suhosin-Patch mod_ssl/2.2.9 OpenSSL/0.9.8g (internal dummy connection)"

Prevent logging for local requests

The simplest solution is to prevent logging for local requests. Normally these would only be from the Apache server itself, unless you are doing something special which is requesting pages using the local IP address (i.e. ::1 or

Locate the logging section of your main Apache log file. You‘ll have an entry something along the lines of this, although the exact setting will vary depending on which operating system, distribution and version you are using, or any custom changes you have made:

1 CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined

Add this line for IPv4 style IP addresses for local connections (

1 SetEnvIf Remote_Addr "127\.0\.0\.1" dontlog

or this for IPv6 style IP addresses (::1):

1 SetEnvIf Remote_Addr "::1" dontlog

And then add env=!dontlog to the end of your logging line so it looks like this, using the same example as shown above:

1 CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined env=!dontlog

Now restart Apache and any local connections, including those "internal dummy connection" entries, will no longer be logged.

时间: 2024-10-15 17:57:31

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前言: inode(文件节点)与block(数据块) 硬链接与软连接 恢复误删除的文件 (即rm-rf 的操作,可以先进行备份的操作,然后可以进行恢复ext4和xfs文件系统皆可) 日志文件的分类 用户日志与程序日志 一 :inode和block概述 1.1 概述 文件数据包括元信息与实际数据 文件存储在硬盘上,硬盘最小存储单位是"扇区",每个扇区储存512字节 block(块) 连续的八个扇区组成一个block,一个block单位是4k 是文件存取的最小单位 inode(索引节点)


前言: inode(文件节点)与block(数据块) 硬链接与软连接 恢复误删除的文件 (即rm-rf 的操作,可以先进行备份的操作,然后可以进行恢复ext4和xfs文件系统皆可) 日志文件的分类 用户日志与程序日志 一 :inode和block概述 1.1 概述 文件数据包括元信息与实际数据 文件存储在硬盘上,硬盘最小存储单位是"扇区",每个扇区储存512字节 block(块) 连续的八个扇区组成一个block,一个block单位是4k 是文件存取的最小单位 inode(索引节点)


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