How to get GM Cruze security code with X100 + key programmer

X100 + Plus key programmer supports multi-function: vehicle identification, read / erase error codes, key programming, ECU programming for parts of vehicles, reading vehicle security code from vehicle immobilizer memory etc. Aobd2shop here takes an example of getting GM Cruze security code with X100 +.

Connect X100 + / X100 plus auto key programmer with vehicle via OBD II socket
Power up the device to come to the main menu
Select vehicle Makers

Select vehicle region: America

Select vehicle manufacturer: GM

The system is loading bin.
There are two options under GM menu
--Read Security code
--Immo / Remote
Select Read security code (first option)

Turn ignition to ON position
Select vehicle make / model: CHEVEOLET

Select specific vehicle model: Cruze

The system then will display the Cruze security code

Back to the X100 + key programmer main interface to program a key GM key. Follow the system notice.

时间: 2025-01-09 11:49:34

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