µVISION: Pack Installer Reports Errors

µVISION: Pack Installer Reports Errors

Information in this knowledgebase article applies to:

  • MDK version 5.01 and earlier


When the pack installer of MDK 5.00 performs a ‘Check for Updates‘, you may see the error message:

Reading one or more Pack descriptions failed

The error window may look like this:


On February 21, 2014 some new Device Family Pack (DFP) files have been published in a even newer file-format. The change from format specification V1.1 to V1.2 was necessary to fully support new devices. The error shows up because µVision version 5.00 (and later) and its Pack Installer are not designed to work with version 1.2 files.

On December 19th 2013, some new Device Family Pack (DFP) files have been published in a new file-format. The change from format specification V1.0 to V1.1 was necessary to fully support new devices. The error shows up because µVision version 5.00 and its Pack Installer are not designed to work with version 1.1 DFP files.


The error window can be closed and existing projects can be continued. However, no new Device Family Packs can be installed with MDK 5.00 only packs with the 1.0 schema will work. Please update to MDK version 5.10 or newer. You may download the latest updates from the Keil Website.

If an update is not possible for any reason, you can close this error window and the Pack Installer will continue to work without those new device family packs listed in the error dialog. Your µVision project will also continue to work as expected.

Please note that it is possible to install a new DFP manually on MDK 5.0 but µVision will not be able to use the new devices. DFPs can be downloaded from http://www.keil.com/dd2/pack/ and can then be imported and installed with the Pack Installer. Whenever µVision 5.00 needs to read the device database, the following error messages will show up:

Last Reviewed: Friday, February 21, 2014

µVISION: Pack Installer Reports Errors

时间: 2025-01-15 07:28:36

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