
Throughout this Handbook we will be investing certain terms with specific meanings.



A required feature or function of the application under test. A business requirement is a statement of function that is necessary for the application to meet its intended use by the customer: the “what” of the system. A design feature is an attribute of the way in which the functions are actually implemented: the “how” of the system. A performance requirement spells out the volume and speed of the application, such as the maximum acceptable response or processing time and the highest number of simultaneous users.



This term will be used to describe the combination of a test case and a test script, as defined below.


Test Case测试用例

A test case is a set of inputs and expected application response that will confirm that a requirement has been met. Depending on the automation approach adopted, a test case may be stored as one or more data records, or may be stored within a test script.


Test Script测试脚本

A test script is a series of commands or events stored in a script language file that execute a test case and report the results. Like a program, a test script may contain logical decisions that affect the execution of the script, creating multiple possible pathways. Also,depending on the automation approach adopted, it may contain constant values or variables whose values change during playback.The automation approach will also dictate the degree of technical proficiency required to develop the test script.


Test Cycle测试周期

A test cycle is a set of individual tests that are executed as a package, in a particular sequence. Cycles are usually related to application operating cycles, or by the area of the application they exercise, or by their priority or content. For example, you may have a build verification cycle that is used to establish acceptance of a new software build, as well as a regression cycle to ensure that previous functionality has not been disrupted by changes or new features.


Test Schedule测试计划

A test schedule consists of a series of test cycles and comprises a complete execution set, from the initial setup of the test environment through reporting and cleanup.


时间: 2024-07-31 12:23:26


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原文:http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.3.6/general/terminology.html 译者:吴京润 本章我们试图建立一个通用的术语列表,用来定义有关并发和分布式系统的坚实的基础,而这也是akka的目标.请注意,在这些术语当中许多并没有一致的定义.我们简单的寻求在akka文档范围内使用的工作定义. 并发与并行 并发与并行是相关的概念,但是也有很多细节上的差异.并发意味着两个或更多的任务正在取得进展,即使它们不是同时执行的.例如,可以用时间片的方式实现这一点,