Unity3d 4及之前的版本中动画的播放用的animation,可直接获取其播放持续长度.但5.x及以后的版本中都是用animator来播放动画了. https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/AnimationOverview.html While Mecanim is recommended for use in most situations, Unity has retained its legacy animation system which existed b
制作一个类似与这种格式的菜单,可以伸缩滑动的.今天正好项目需要用到类似功能,所以尝试了一下,做出如下的效果 虽然只是一个思路,但是可以扩展.声明一个object物体,为but,通过GetComponent<RectTransform>().anchoredPosition,将其赋值移动到目标位置下面是UGUI的cs代码. using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.E
Animation Integration 动画集成 Animation allows for each transition between control states to be fully animated using Unity’s animation system. This is the most powerful of the transition modes due the the number of properties that can be animated simult