QTP使用dictionary 对象

1. 创建即使用Dictionary对象

‘ 创建Dictionary对象
Set Dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
‘ 添加Dictionary的key和value
For Iterator = 1 To 3 Step 1
 Dic.Add CStr(Iterator),Iterator & "_Value"
‘ 循环读取Dictionary的key和value
For Iterator = 1 To Dic.Count Step 1
 Msgbox  Dic.Item(CStr(Iterator))

DicArray = Dic.Items
‘For I = 0 To Dic.Count
For I = 0 To UBound(DicArray)
 Msgbox DicArray(I)

‘ 判断是否存在某个Key,如果存在,则把其去掉
If Dic.Exists("2") Then
 Msgbox Dic.Item("2")
End If
Msgbox Dic.Count
‘ 清空所有 Key和Value
Msgbox Dic.Count

2. 把Dictionary添加到注册表中QTP的保留对象

Dictionary对象经常用来存储对象 ,把Dictionary添加到注册表中QTP的保留对象 ,则可以用于替代QTP的环境变量(Environment),在Action之间共享数据 。


‘As an alternative to using environment variables to share values between actions 
‘ you can use the Dictionary object.    
‘The Dictionary object enables you to assign values to variables that are accessible from all actions (local and external) 
‘called in the test in which the Dictionary object is created. 

‘ 把Dictionary添加到注册表,这样可以在使用GlobalDictionary时有Intelisence智能感应提示
‘in order to have intelisence for the Dictionary object, and have it recognized by other actions, it is added to the registry
Dim WshShell
Set WshShell =CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU/Software/Mercury Interactive/QuickTest Professional/MicTest/ReservedObjects/GlobalDictionary/ProgID", "Scripting.Dictionary","REG_SZ"
Set WshShell = Nothing

‘clearing the Keys if they exist in the object    清空Dictionary中的项
If  GlobalDictionary.Exists("AgentName") Then
End If
If  GlobalDictionary.Exists("Password") Then
End If
If  GlobalDictionary.Exists("OrderNumber") Then
End If

‘add 3 keys to the Dictionary object    添加项
GlobalDictionary.Add "AgentName", "Mercury"
GlobalDictionary.Add "Password","Mercury" 
GlobalDictionary.Add "OrderNumber", 0

‘ 使用GlobalDictionary中的数据
‘login to Mercury Flight application using the Dictionary objects we just defined.
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Set  GlobalDictionary.Item("AgentName")
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Type  micTab
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password:").SetSecure GlobalDictionary.Item("Password")

‘inserting an order in the flight application
Window("Flight Reservation").WinObject("Date of Flight:").Type "111111"
Window("Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("Fly From:").Select "Denver"
Window("Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("Fly To:").Select "Frankfurt"
Window("Flight Reservation").WinButton("FLIGHT").Click
Window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Flights Table").WinButton("OK").Click
Window("Flight Reservation").WinEdit("Name:").Set "6"
Window("Flight Reservation").WinRadioButton("Business").Set
Window("Flight Reservation").WinButton("Insert Order").Click
‘Window("Flight Reservation").ActiveX("Threed Panel Control").WaitProperty "text", "Insert Done...", 10000
Window("Flight Reservation").WinObject("AfxWnd40").WaitProperty "text", "Insert Done...", 10000

‘saving the Order number in the Datatable, and then saving it in a dictionary item
Window("Flight Reservation").WinEdit("Order No:").Output CheckPoint("Order No:")
GlobalDictionary.Item("OrderNumber") = datatable.Value ("Order_No_text_out",dtGlobalSheet)

‘closing the application
Window("Flight Reservation").Close

‘reports to the report all the Keys & items found in the dictionary object
For i=0 to GlobalDictionary.Count-1
    KeysArray = GlobalDictionary.keys
    ItemsArray = GlobalDictionary.Items
    reporter.ReportEvent Done,"Reporting Dictionary Item Number : " & i ,  "Key : " & KeysArray(i) & " , Item : " & ItemsArray(i)

‘ 调用Action2

RunAction "Action2", oneIteration


‘ This code segment also exists in the main Action.
‘ in this reusable action, the value are avaiable ONLY  when they are called from Test "Dictionary"
‘ calling this action as a stand alone, will result in an error since those Keys & values won‘t be valid.
‘ GlobalDictionary中的数据可以跨Action使用
‘reports to the report all the Keys & items found in the dictionary object
For i=0 to GlobalDictionary.Count-1
    KeysArray = GlobalDictionary.keys
    ItemsArray = GlobalDictionary.Items
    reporter.ReportEvent Done,"Reporting Dictionary Item Number : " & i ,  "Key : " & KeysArray(i) & " , Item : " & ItemsArray(i)

时间: 2024-08-29 01:03:21

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Dictionary 对象

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var Dict:Variant; n,ncount,i:byte; kArr,iArr:array of variant; Ts,Ts2:TStringList; kv,iv,FGF:string; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Dict:= CreateoleObject('scripting.dictionary'); Ts:=tstringlist.Create;  Ts2:=tstringlist.Creat

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