Local policy - User rights assignment 对照表

"SeCreateTokenPrivilege"  --> "Create a token object"

"SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege"  --> "Replace a process-level token"

"SeLockMemoryPrivilege"  --> "Lock pages in memory"

"SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege"  --> "Adjust memory quotas for a process"

"SeUnsolicitedInputPrivilege"  --> "Load and unload device drivers"

"SeMachineAccountPrivilege"  --> "Add workstations to domain"

"SeTcbPrivilege"  --> "Act as part of the operating system"

"SeSecurityPrivilege"  --> "Manage auditing and the security log"

"SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege"  --> "Take ownership of files or other objects"

"SeLoadDriverPrivilege"  --> "Load and unload device drivers"

"SeSystemProfilePrivilege"  --> "Profile system performance"

"SeSystemtimePrivilege"  --> "Change the system time"

"SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege"  --> "Profile single process"

"SeCreatePagefilePrivilege"  --> "Create a pagefile"

"SeCreatePermanentPrivilege"  --> "Create permanent shared objects"

"SeBackupPrivilege"  --> "Back up files and directories"

"SeRestorePrivilege"  --> "Restore files and directories"

"SeShutdownPrivilege"  --> "Shut down the system"

"SeDebugPrivilege"  --> "Debug programs"

"SeAuditPrivilege"  --> "Generate security audit"

"SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege"  --> "Modify firmware environment values"

"SeChangeNotifyPrivilege"  --> "Bypass traverse checking"

"SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege"  --> "Force shutdown from a remote system"

"SeUndockPrivilege"  --> "Remove computer from docking station"

"SeSyncAgentPrivilege"  --> "Synchronize directory service data"

"SeEnableDelegationPrivilege"  --> "Enable computer and user accounts to be trusted for delegation"

"SeManageVolumePrivilege"  --> "Manage the files on a volume"

"SeImpersonatePrivilege"  --> "Impersonate a client after authentication"

"SeCreateGlobalPrivilege"  --> "Create global objects"

"SeTrustedCredManAccessPrivilege"  --> "Access Credential Manager as a trusted caller"

"SeRelabelPrivilege"  --> "Modify an object label"

"SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege"  --> "Increase a process working set"

"SeTimeZonePrivilege"  --> "Change the time zone"

"SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege"  --> "Create symbolic links"

"SeDenyInteractiveLogonRight"  --> "Deny local logon"

"SeRemoteInteractiveLogonRight"  --> "Allow logon through Terminal Services"

"SeServiceLogonRight"  --> "Logon as a service"

"SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege"  --> "Increase scheduling priority"

"SeBatchLogonRight"  --> "Log on as a batch job"

"SeInteractiveLogonRight"  --> "Log on locally"

"SeDenyNetworkLogonRight"  --> "Deny Access to this computer from the network"

"SeNetworkLogonRight"  --> "Access this Computer from the Network"

时间: 2024-11-25 20:16:57

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