
今天我们主要看一下MySQL information_schema里面的关于innodb的锁和事物的两三个系统表:


select * from innodb_lock_waits;

select * from innodb_locks limit 2\G

select * from information_schema.innodb_trx\G

select * from information_schema.innodb_trx where trx_id = 45734628\G


lw.requesting_trx_id AS request_ID,

trx.trx_mysql_thread_id as request_mysql_ID,

trx.trx_query AS request_command,

lw.blocking_trx_id AS blocking_ID,

trx1.trx_mysql_thread_id as blocking_mysql_ID,

trx1.trx_query AS blocking_command,

lo.lock_index AS lock_index


information_schema.innodb_lock_waits lw

INNER JOIN information_schema.innodb_locks lo ON lw.requesting_trx_id = lo.lock_trx_id

INNER JOIN information_schema.innodb_locks lo1 ON lw.blocking_trx_id = lo1.lock_trx_id

INNER JOIN information_schema.innodb_trx trx ON lo.lock_trx_id = trx.trx_id

INNER JOIN information_schema.innodb_trx trx1 ON lo1.lock_trx_id = trx1.trx_id;






[email protected] [(none)]>start transaction;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

[email protected] [(none)]>update qiandai.t1 set col_int_key=333 where pk=10;

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0


update qiandai.t1 set col_int_key=222 where pk=10;







Column name Description
REQUESTING_TRX_ID ID of the requesting transaction.
REQUESTED_LOCK_ID ID of the lock for which a transaction is waiting. Details about the lock can be found by joining with INNODB_LOCKS on LOCK_ID.
BLOCKING_TRX_ID ID of the blocking transaction.
BLOCKING_LOCK_ID ID of a lock held by a transaction blocking another transaction from proceeding. Details about the lock can be found by joining withINNODB_LOCKS on LOCK_ID.


Column name Description
LOCK_ID Unique lock ID number, internal to InnoDB. Treat it as an opaque string. Although LOCK_ID currently contains TRX_ID, the format of the data inLOCK_ID is not guaranteed to remain the same in future releases. Do not write programs that parse the LOCK_ID value.
LOCK_TRX_ID ID of the transaction holding this lock. Details about the transaction can be found by joining with INNODB_TRX on TRX_ID.
LOCK_MODE Mode of the lock. One of S[,GAP], X[,GAP], IS[,GAP], IX[,GAP], AUTO_INC, or UNKNOWN. Lock modes other than AUTO_INC and UNKNOWNwill indicate GAP locks, if present. Refer to Section 15.5.1, “InnoDB Locking” for information about S, X, IS, and IX lock modes. Refer toSection 15.5.1, “InnoDB Locking” for information about GAP locks.
LOCK_TYPE Type of the lock. One of RECORD or TABLE for record (row) level or table level locks, respectively.
LOCK_TABLE Name of the table that has been locked or contains locked records.
LOCK_INDEX Name of the index if LOCK_TYPE=‘RECORD‘, otherwise NULL.
LOCK_SPACE Tablespace ID of the locked record if LOCK_TYPE=‘RECORD‘, otherwise NULL.
LOCK_PAGE Page number of the locked record if LOCK_TYPE=‘RECORD‘, otherwise NULL.
LOCK_REC Heap number of the locked record within the page if LOCK_TYPE=‘RECORD‘, otherwise NULL.
LOCK_DATA Primary key value(s) of the locked record if LOCK_TYPE=‘RECORD‘, otherwise NULL. This column contains the value(s) of the primary key column(s) in the locked row, formatted as a valid SQL string (ready to be copied to SQL statements). If there is no primary key then the InnoDBinternal unique row ID number is used. If a gap lock is taken for key values or ranges above the largest value in the index, LOCK_DATA reports“supremum pseudo-record”. When the page containing the locked record is not in the buffer pool (in the case that it was paged out to disk while the lock was held), InnoDB does not fetch the page from disk, to avoid unnecessary disk operations. Instead, LOCK_DATA is set to NULL.


Column name Description
TRX_ID Unique transaction ID number, internal to InnoDB. (Starting in MySQL 5.6, these IDs are not created for transactions that are read-only and non-locking. See Section 9.5.3, “Optimizing InnoDB Read-Only Transactions” for details.)
TRX_WEIGHT The weight of a transaction, reflecting (but not necessarily the exact count of) the number of rows altered and the number of rows locked by the transaction. To resolve a deadlock, InnoDB selects the transaction with the smallest weight as the“victim” to rollback. Transactions that have changed non-transactional tables are considered heavier than others, regardless of the number of altered and locked rows.
TRX_STATE Transaction execution state. One of RUNNING, LOCK WAIT, ROLLING BACK or COMMITTING.
TRX_STARTED Transaction start time.
TRX_REQUESTED_LOCK_ID ID of the lock the transaction is currently waiting for (if TRX_STATE is LOCK WAIT, otherwise NULL). Details about the lock can be found by joining with INNODB_LOCKS on LOCK_ID.
TRX_WAIT_STARTED Time when the transaction started waiting on the lock (if TRX_STATE is LOCK WAIT, otherwise NULL).
TRX_MYSQL_THREAD_ID MySQL thread ID. Can be used for joining with PROCESSLIST on ID. See Section, “Potential Inconsistency with PROCESSLIST Data”.
TRX_QUERY The SQL query that is being executed by the transaction.
TRX_OPERATION_STATE The transaction‘s current operation, or NULL.
TRX_TABLES_IN_USE The number of InnoDB tables used while processing the current SQL statement of this transaction.
TRX_TABLES_LOCKED Number of InnoDB tables that the current SQL statement has row locks on. (Because these are row locks, not table locks, the tables can usually still be read from and written to by multiple transactions, despite some rows being locked.)
TRX_LOCK_STRUCTS The number of locks reserved by the transaction.
TRX_LOCK_MEMORY_BYTES Total size taken up by the lock structures of this transaction in memory.
TRX_ROWS_LOCKED Approximate number or rows locked by this transaction. The value might include delete-marked rows that are physically present but not visible to the transaction.
TRX_ROWS_MODIFIED The number of modified and inserted rows in this transaction.
TRX_CONCURRENCY_TICKETS A value indicating how much work the current transaction can do before being swapped out, as specified by theinnodb_concurrency_tickets option.
TRX_ISOLATION_LEVEL The isolation level of the current transaction.
TRX_UNIQUE_CHECKS Whether unique checks are turned on or off for the current transaction. (They might be turned off during a bulk data load, for example.)
TRX_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS Whether foreign key checks are turned on or off for the current transaction. (They might be turned off during a bulk data load, for example.)
TRX_LAST_FOREIGN_KEY_ERROR Detailed error message for last FK error, or NULL.
TRX_ADAPTIVE_HASH_LATCHED Whether or not the adaptive hash index is locked by the current transaction. When the adaptive hash index search system is partitioned, a single transaction does not lock the entire adaptive hash index. Adaptive hash index partitioning is controlled by innodb_adaptive_hash_index_parts, which is set to 8 by default.
TRX_ADAPTIVE_HASH_TIMEOUT Whether to relinquish the search latch immediately for the adaptive hash index, or reserve it across calls from MySQL. When there is no AHI contention, this value remains zero and statements reserve the latch until they finish. During times of contention, it counts down to zero, and statements release the latch immediately after each row lookup. When the adaptive hash index search system is partitioned (controlled by innodb_adaptive_hash_index_parts), the value remains 0.
TRX_IS_READ_ONLY A value of 1 indicates the transaction is read-only. (5.6.4 and up.)
TRX_AUTOCOMMIT_NON_LOCKING A value of 1 indicates the transaction is a SELECT statement that does not use the FOR UPDATE or LOCK IN SHARED MODE clauses, and is executing with the autocommit setting turned on so that the transaction will only contain this one statement. (5.6.4 and up.) When this column and TRX_IS_READ_ONLY are both 1, InnoDB optimizes the transaction to reduce the overhead associated with transactions that change table data.
时间: 2024-12-14 22:07:14



这个系列的文章主要是为了能够让自己了解MySQL5.7的一些系统表,统一做一下备注和使用,也希望分享出来让大家能够有一点点的受益. 第八篇主要看一下一下几系统表: 今天我们主要看一下MySQL information_schema里面的关于innodb的锁和事物的两三个系统表: 看一下锁对应的sql(未结束的事物): select * from innodb_lock_waits; select * from innodb_locks limit 2\G select * from inform


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一般来说,在无锁(lock-free)注1编程中,线程有两种方法来操作共享内存:线程间相互竞争一种资源或者相互合作传递消息.Acquire与Release语义对后者来说很关键:保证在线程间可靠地相互传递消息.实际上,我大胆地猜测,不正确的或者缺乏Acquire与Release语义是导致无锁编程产生错误的最常见 原因. 在这篇文章中,我会去探讨许多在C++中获得Acquire与Release 语义的方法.还会简单介绍一下C++11原子库标准.所以,你事先不必具备这方面的知识.简明起见,这里的讨论仅

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ARP欺骗的原理可简单的解释如下:假设有三台主机A,B,C位于同一个交换式局域网中,监听者处于主机A,而主机B,C正在通信.现在A希望能嗅探到B->C的数据,于是A就可以伪装成C对B做ARP欺骗--向B发送伪造的ARP应答包,应答包中IP地址为C的IP地址而MAC地址为A的MAC地址. 这个应答包会刷新B的ARP缓存,让B认为A就是C,说详细点,就是让B认为C的IP地址映射到的MAC地址为主机A的MAC地址.这样,B想要发送给C的数据实际上却发送给了A,就达到了嗅探的目的.我们在嗅探到数据后,还