FJNU 1154 Fat Brother And His Love(胖哥与女神)

FJNU 1154 Fat Brother And His Love(胖哥与女神)

Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 257792K



As we know, fat Brother and his goddess is in a same city. The city is consist of N locations and the N locations is connected by M roads. Fat Brother has a crush on his goddess, but when he knew that the goddess want to date with other boy, he is reluctant. So he decided to stop their dating, then he go to find a single giant bomb from the warehouse. He can use this giant bomb blew up a road. Fat Brother wondered whether he can separate goddess and other boy by blowing up a road. Fat Brother gives Q questions that each query is given two numbers u and v which means the number of the location of the goddess and the boy. If fat Brother can separate goddess and other boy, output a line “Hei!Hei!Hei!” and a line integer denoting the ways to separate them. If fat Brother can‘t, output a line “No! I choose to go die!”.

You can think the city which Fat Brother, goddess and boys are in is an undirected graph, and the graph is always connected in the beginning.

If you can‘t understand it, you should observate the sample Input and sample Output

众所周知,胖哥与他的女神同城。这座城市有N个地方被M条路连接。胖哥迷恋着女神,当他知晓女神要和其他男生约会时,他是拒绝的。因此他决定去阻止这一切,接着他在仓库里找了个大炸弹。他可以用这个炸弹破坏一条路。胖哥想知道是否通过破坏一条路阻隔女神与其他男生。胖哥给出Q个问题,每个问题给定两个数u和v表示女神与其男生的位置。如果胖哥可以阻隔女神与其他男生,输出一行“Hei!Hei!Hei!”与一行整数表示将他们分开方式。否则输出一行“No! I choose to go die!”。





There are multiple test cases. The first line of input contains an integer T (T <= 25) indicating the number of test cases. For each test case:

The first line contains three integer N, M and Q denoting there are N locations and M roads in the city. The Q denoting there are Q questions. (1 <= N <= 100000, 1 <= m <= 100000, 1 <= Q <= 100000)

Each of the 2…M + 1 lines contains two integers u and v denoting there is a undirected road between u and v.

Each of the M + 2 … M + 1 + Q lines contains two integer u and v denoting the fat Brother‘s question.


第一行是一个整数T(T <= 25)表示测试用例的数量。对于每个测试用例:

第一行有三个数N, M与Q 表示这个城市有N个地方M条路。Q表示有Q个问题。(1 <= N <= 100000, 1 <= m <= 100000, 1 <= Q <= 100000)

第2…M + 1行每行有两个整数u和v表示u与v间有一条双向的路。

第M + 2 … M + 1 + Q行每行有两个整数u与v,表示胖哥的问题。



For each case, output according to Title Description.


【Sample Input - 输入样例】

【Sample Output - 输出样例】


9 11 19

1 2

1 3

2 3

2 4

4 5

4 6

5 6

6 7

7 8

7 9

8 9

1 2

1 3

2 3

2 4

4 5

4 6

5 6

6 7

7 8

7 9

8 9

1 4

4 7

8 5

3 6

9 4

1 6

7 3

2 9

10 9 8

1 2

1 3

3 4

4 5

3 6

6 7

3 8

8 9

8 10

1 5

1 2

7 5

9 4

2 3

6 2

4 1

3 9

No! I choose to go die!

No! I choose to go die!

No! I choose to go die!



No! I choose to go die!

No! I choose to go die!

No! I choose to go die!



No! I choose to go die!

No! I choose to go die!

No! I choose to go die!



































大体步骤:①缩点(合并环)Tarjan算法 ②建立多叉树 ③查询








【代码 C++】

  1 #include<cstdio>
  2 #include <cstring>
  3 #include <algorithm>
  4 #include <queue>
  5 #define mx 100005
  7 struct edge {
  8     int to, next;
  9 }Edge[mx], EdgeOLD[mx << 1];
 10 int Head[mx], iE, iE_OLD, ID[mx];
 11 int Stack[mx], iS = 0;
 12 bool inUS[mx];
 13 void addEdgeOLD(int u, int v) {
 14     EdgeOLD[iE_OLD].next = Head[u]; EdgeOLD[iE_OLD].to = v;
 15     Head[u] = iE_OLD++;
 16 }
 17 void addEdge(int u, int v) {
 18     Edge[iE].next = Head[u]; Edge[iE].to = v;
 19     Head[u] = iE++;
 20 }
 22 void DFS_Tarjan(int now, int anti) {//(当前节点, 反向边)
 23     ID[now] = Stack[++iS] = now;
 24     inUS[now] = 1;
 25     int u, v, i = iS;
 26     for (u = Head[now]; ~u; u = EdgeOLD[u].next) {
 27         if (u == anti) continue;
 28         v = EdgeOLD[u].to;
 29         if (!inUS[v]) DFS_Tarjan(v, u ^ 1);
 30         ID[now] = std::min(ID[now], ID[v]);
 31     }
 32     if (Stack[i] == ID[now]) {
 33         while (i <= iS) {
 34             inUS[Stack[iS]] = 0;
 35             ID[Stack[iS--]] = ID[now];
 36         }
 37     }
 38 }
 39 void markID() {
 40     iS = 0;
 41     memset(inUS, 0, sizeof(inUS));
 42     DFS_Tarjan(1, -1);
 43 }
 45 std::vector<int> listTree[mx];
 46 struct Point {
 47     int y, x;
 48 }PointAddress[mx];
 49 void BFS() {
 50     int u, v, y, x, now;
 51     bool fst = 0;
 52     std::queue<Point> q;
 53     q.push({ iS = 0, 0 });
 54     PointAddress[1] = { 0, 0 };
 55     listTree[0].push_back(1);
 56     ++inUS[1];
 58     while (!q.empty()) {
 59         y = q.front().y; x = q.front().x;
 60         now = listTree[y][x]; q.pop();
 61         fst = 0;
 63         for (u = Head[now]; ~u; u = Edge[u].next) {
 64             v = Edge[u].to;
 65             if (inUS[v]) continue;
 66             ++inUS[v];
 67             if (!fst) {//加入当前行
 68                 q.push(PointAddress[v] = { y, listTree[y].size() });
 69                 listTree[y].push_back(v); ++fst;
 70             }
 71             else {//加入新一行
 72                 listTree[++iS].push_back(now);
 73                 q.push(PointAddress[v] = { iS, listTree[iS].size() });
 74                 listTree[iS].push_back(v);
 75             }
 76         }
 77     }
 78 }
 79 void buildAddress(int n) {
 80     iE = 0;
 81     int HeadOLD[mx], i, u, v;
 82     memcpy(HeadOLD, Head, sizeof(Head));
 83     memset(Head, -1, sizeof(Head));
 84     for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {//建立多叉树
 85         for (u = HeadOLD[i]; ~u; u = EdgeOLD[u].next) {
 86             v = EdgeOLD[u].to;
 87             if (ID[i] < ID[v]) addEdge(ID[i], ID[v]);
 88         }
 89     }
 91     for (i = 0; i < mx; ++i) listTree[i].clear();
 92     BFS();//将各个节点加入数组
 93 }
 95 int fid(Point u, Point v) {
 96     int opt = 0, to;
 97     Point temp;
 98     while (u.y != v.y) {//未跳转到同一行时进行跳转,并记录经过边的数量。
 99         if (u.y < v.y) { temp = v; v = u; u = temp; }
100         opt += u.x;
101         to = listTree[u.y][0];
102         u = PointAddress[to];
103     }
104     if (u.x < v.x) { u.x ^= v.x; v.x ^= u.x; u.x ^= v.x; }
105     return opt + u.x - v.x;
106 }
108 int main() {
109     int t, n, m, q, i, u, v;
110     while (~scanf("%d", &t)) {
111         while (t--) {
112             memset(Head, -1, sizeof(Head)); iE_OLD = 0;
113             scanf("%d%d%d", &n, &m, &q);
114             for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
115                 scanf("%d%d", &u, &v);
116                 addEdgeOLD(u, v); addEdgeOLD(v, u);
117             }
118             markID();//对各个顶点进行再编号
119             buildAddress(n);//建立各顶点的地址
120             for (i = 0; i < q; ++i) {
121                 scanf("%d%d", &u, &v);
122                 u = ID[u]; v = ID[v];
123                 if (u == v) puts("No! I choose to go die!");
124                 else {
125                     puts("Hei!Hei!Hei!");
126                     printf("%d\n", fid(PointAddress[u], PointAddress[v]));
127                 }
128             }
129         }
130     }
131     return 0;
132 }

FJNU 1154

时间: 2024-08-09 10:27:35

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