

Unit 1 Overview of IT Industry
Case Learning

Defining the IT Workforce
There are two distinct elements of the IT workforce:

1) Employment within information technology companies, and 2) IT occupations.

什么是 IT 劳动力
IT 劳动力来自两个不同的方面:1 是 IT 公司,2 是 IT 职业。

IT Occupation Employment
• Includes technical occupations, such as software developers, network engineers,
computer support specialists, etc. working in a range of industry verticals, such as
healthcare, education, manufacturing, professional services and others.
• Beyond core IT occupations, there are a range of technology- intense positions on
the periphery, typically referred to as knowledge workers.

IT 职业劳动者
• 包括技术职业,例如软件开发人员、网络工程师、计算机支持专家等等。
• 除了核心 IT 职业,还有一系列的技术密集型的外围岗位,通常称为知识

IT Industry Employment
• Includes technical occupations, such as software developers, network engineers,
computer support specialists, etc.
• Includes non-technical professions, such as sales, marketing, HR, finance,
operations and general management that support and facilitate the operation of IT
• Typically, technical positions account for 25% to 75% of an IT company’s
workforce. There are a number of factors that affect this rate. For example, a
start-up may initially be comprised of nearly all software architects, programmers
and other technical workers. When the firm scales, it may begin to add sales and
marketing staff, thereby reducing the percentage of technical workers.

IT 行业劳动者
• 包括技术职业,例如软件开发人员、网络工程师,计算机支持专家等。
• 包括非技术岗位,如销售、市场营销、人力资源、财务、以及运营与管理
等支持和促进 IT 公司运作的岗位。
• 其特点是,技术职位在 IT 公司所有岗位中占的比例从 25%到 75%不等。

IT Occupation Employment – this segment of the IT workforce employs
approximately 4.88 million workers as of year-end 2014. This translates to job
growth of 2.4%, or nearly 116,000 additional IT jobs. The 2014 IT job growth rate
is up slightly over the 2013 rate of 2.1%. To further put into context, 2.1%, or
nearly 100,000 additional IT jobs. In contrast, total job growth across the U.S.
economy in 2013 will likely end up in the 1.5% to 1.8% range.

IT 职业劳动者 --- 这一部分到 2014 年底共雇佣大约 488 万人,增
加了 11.6 万个岗位,职位增长 2.4%。 2014 年职位增长略高于 2013
年的 2.1%,即 10 万个岗位的增加。对比而言,美国整个 2013 年
的所有行业的职位增长在 1.5%到 1.8 之间。

IT occupation employment spans every industry vertical. For example, the IT
department within a hospital will employ a range of senior-, mid- and staff-level IT
workers to ensure physicians, nurses and administrators have reliable access to
computers, networks, applications and so on.

IT 职业劳动者遍布各个垂直门户行业。例如,某家医院的 IT 技术
部门会雇佣各类高级、中级以及初级 IT 技术人员以保障医生、护

Unit 1 Overview of IT Industry
Top IT Growth Occupations in 2014 (Percent Change)
1. Web Developers
2. Information Security Analysts
3. Computer Systems Analysts
4. Software Developers, Applications
5. Software Developers, Systems Software
6. Computer User Support Specialists
7. Computer and Information Systems Managers
8. Database Administrators

2014 年 IT 职业岗位增长排名(按百分比排序)
1. 网页开发工程师
2. 信息安全分析师
3. 计算机系统分析师
4. 软件开发师(应用软件)
5. 软件开发师(系统软件)
6. 计算机用户支持专家
7. 计算机及信息系统管理者
8. 数据库管理

In addition to core IT positions, there are many technology--‐intense occupations
on the periphery. For example, occupations such as IT project management, health
information technicians, audio/video technicians, technical sales, technical writers,
automated manufacturing computer operators and IT training positions, all require
significant expertise and experience with various aspects of technology. While
these positions are not typically found in an “IT Department” they are an important
component of the IT workforce. Depending on the criteria used, peripheral or
knowledge worker--‐type positions may number between 1 million and several
million additional workers.

除了核心 IT 职位,还有许多周边技术密集型职位。例如 IT 项目管理、医疗信息
及 IT 培训职位等,都需要不同技术方面的专业知识和经验。虽然这些职位不属
于“IT 技术部门”,但确是 IT 劳动力的重要组成部分。由于标准的不同,外围和知
识密集型岗位还会有 100 万到几百万不等。

Because the need for technology is so pervasive among businesses of all types, it
follows that IT jobs are spread across every region of the country. While tech
Unit 1 Overview of IT Industry
clusters do exist – think Silicon Valley or Silicon Alley, with high concentrations of
IT workers, many unassuming regions have large numbers of IT workers as well.
For example, more than 325,000 IT workers can be found in the Mountain states
On a percent change basis, the states with the fastest IT job growth in 2014 include:
Nevada, Texas, Montana, Florida, North Carolina, North Dakota, Delaware, Utah
and West Virginia. Each of these states experienced job growth of 4.0% or higher.
In comparison, overall core IT job growth reached 2.4%.

由于各个行业对技术的需求不断增长,IT 技术岗位已遍布全国各个地区。 虽说
数量庞大的技术工人。例如在美国的山脉州地区就有着超过 32.5 万名 IT 工人。
根据百分比排序,2014 年 IT 职位增长最快的州包括内华达州、德克萨斯州、蒙
尼亚州。这些州中,每个州的岗位增长都在 4%及以上。对比而言,整体 IT 技术
职位增长达到 2.4%。

IT Employment Outlook
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the national
unemployment rate stood at 5.5% as of December 2014, down from 6.6% during
the same period in 2013. The U.S. employment situation has slowly and steadily
improved over the past 36 months. The official BLS unemployment rate does not
include discouraged workers – those that have stopped looking for work, as well as
those working part-time but seeking full-time employment. When considering these
segments, the more expansive unemployment and underemployment rate portrays a
less rosy job landscape.

IT 就业前景
美国劳工统计局数据显示,截止到 2014 年 12 月,全国失业率为 5.5%,与 2013
年同期的 6.6%相比有所下降。在过去的 36 个月里,美国的就业形势出现缓慢而

The unemployment rate for the BLS computer and mathematical occupation
category, a reasonable approximation of IT occupations, continues to remain far
lower than the national rate. For November 2014, the category recorded an
employment rate of 2.0%, less than half the national rate. This recent percentage is
down from the already low rates of 3.3% in 2013 and 2012.

劳工局对计算机和数学行业(基本上等同于 IT 职业)类别职业统计的失业率仍
然远低于全国失业率。2014 年 11 月,这一类别的失业率为 2.0%,比全国失业率
的一半还要低。这一最新数据低于 2013 年和 2012 年的 3.3%。

The low unemployment rate for IT workers combined with strong demand for
certain skill sets can make for a challenging hiring environment. 68% of IT
company executives say they expect to face a challenging or very challenging
hiring environment for technical positions in 2015.

IT 技术工人的低失业率以及对某些技术类型工人的强烈需求使得雇用环境相当
具有挑战性。68%的 IT 企业主管认为在 2015 年技术岗位的招聘将相当具有挑战

According to Burning Glass Technologies Labor Insights, U.S. businesses posted
job notices for approximately 580,000 core IT jobs during Q4 of 2014, a slight
increase over Q3.

根据美国 BGTLI 的统计,2014 年第四季度,美国企业发布大约 58 万个核心 IT 技

As indicated previously, the total core IT occupation workforce increased by
116,000 jobs in 2014. This explains a portion of the job posting data. Companies
may be expanding or moving into new areas and need to employ more workers.

如前所述,2014 年,核心技术职业劳动力增长了 11.6 万。这也说明了职位招聘

The other factor at play is workforce churn, also referred to as labor turnover. This
may include separations due to workers that retire, leave to pursue over
employment opportunities, leave to pursue additional education, leave for family
reasons, or are fired or laid-off. This helps explain why the number of job postings
exceeds the number of new IT jobs created.



时间: 2024-08-09 09:34:27



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[编者按]:APP刷榜在业内已经不是什么秘密了!为什么那么多公司和应用都热衷于刷榜?在业内甚至有流传“最好的渠道就是刷榜”的提法,这句话究竟该如何理解?编者任职于成都无敌勇士科技公司,从事海外APP推广接近3年时间,就给大家讲一讲刷榜的那些事吧.一边是“火坑”,一边是“牌都没有,打个毛的德州啊”的现状,开发者们该如何选择? 首先我想说的是,APP刷榜.刷下载.刷好评是真心有用,而且所谓的刷榜,也没外面传说的那么简单.现在摆在开发团队面前的难题是:不刷就干不过刷榜的!所以现在的场面很尴尬,只要开发


[编者按]:APP刷榜在业内已经不是什么秘密了!为什么那么多公司和应用都热衷于刷榜?在业内甚至有流传"最好的渠道就是刷榜"的提法,这句话究竟该如何理解?编者任职于成都无敌勇士科技公司,从事海外APP推广接近3年时间,就给大家讲一讲刷榜的那些事吧.一边是"火坑",一边是"牌都没有,打个毛的德州啊"的现状,开发者们该如何选择? 首先我想说的是,APP刷榜.刷下载.刷好评是真心有用,而且所谓的刷榜,也没外面传说的那么简单.现在摆在开发团队面前的难题是:


文 / 腾讯 邓建俊 优测小优有话说: 以为优社区除了测试知识就没有其他东西啦?手Q大牛带你走一波红包的后台设计!!! 1. 前言 2016除夕夜注定是一个不平凡的夜晚,除了陪家人吃团圆饭.看春晚,还得刷一刷.摇一摇.咻一咻,忙得不亦乐.相信大部分读者也已经体验过手Q的刷一刷抢红包,玩法简单中奖率高,得到了许多用户的好评. 那么对于后台而言,要实现这个亿万级用户的抢红包系统,我们将会面临哪些问题? (1)海量的并发请求,预估峰值800w/s 800w/s的预估峰值请求,红包系统必须要保证在如此高


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MyEclipse 汉化后切换回英文(中英文切换)

没事玩玩MyEclipse,按网上的办法把它汉化了!搞了些教程看,教程用的都是英文,还是把MyEclipse也切换回原来的英文得了! 方法:1.复制MyEclipse的快捷方式:2.右键快捷方式->属性,在“目标”的后边加上 -nl "en"之前的:"D:\Program Files\Genuitec\MyEclipse 8.5\myeclipse.exe"加后的:"D:\Program Files\Genuitec\MyEclipse 8.5\my

QIGI I55刷机小记

注意刷机有风险,失败导致手机不能使用,后面介绍仅为记录,如不熟悉刷机,请切勿模仿操作!! 同事有台QIGI(琦基) I55手机,近来使用起来系统慢,还经常死机.拿到机器以后,机器运行的是电 信天翼版的windows mobile 6.0,装的东西也比较多,确实比较慢.备份好手机数据以后,就开始刷机了 .这双卡双待机型的ROM不好找,找了几个版本,版本有6.的. 先用线刷的方法,安装activesync 4.5,接上手机数据线,让手机和PC同步以后,修改ROM文件名为 WMUPD