882. Reachable Nodes In Subdivided Graph






时间 o(eloge)

空间复杂度o(e). e为边数





class Node {
    public int src;
    public int move;
    public Node(int src, int move) {
        this.src = src;
        this.move = move;

public class Solution {
    public int reachableNodes(int[][] edges, int M, int N) {
        Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> graph = new HashMap<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            graph.put(i, new HashMap<>());
        Map<Integer, Boolean> visited = new HashMap<>();
        Queue<Node> pq = new PriorityQueue<>((a, b) -> (a.move - b.move));

        //build graph
        for (int[] v : edges) {
            graph.get(v[0]).put(v[1], v[2]);
            graph.get(v[1]).put(v[0], v[2]);

        int result = 0;
        Node head = new Node(0, 0);
        while (!pq.isEmpty()) {
            Node cur = pq.peek();
            int src = cur.src;
            int move = cur.move;
            if (null != visited.get(src)) continue;
            visited.put(src, true);

            for (int id : graph.get(src).keySet()) {
                int dst = id;
                int weight = graph.get(src).get(dst);
                int nextMove = move + weight + 1;
                if (null != visited.get(dst)) {
                    result += Math.min(M - move, graph.get(src).get(dst));
                } else {
                    if (nextMove > M) {
                        result += M - move;
                        graph.get(dst).put(src, graph.get(dst).get(src) - (M - move));
                    } else {
                        result += weight;
                        graph.get(dst).put(src, 0);
                        Node next = new Node(dst, nextMove);

        return result;


class Node {
        int src;
        int move;
        Node(int a, int b) {
            this->src = a;
            this->move = b;

class MyCmp {
        bool operator() (const Node& l, const Node& r) {
            return l.move > r.move;

class Solution {
    int reachableNodes(vector<vector<int>>& edges, int M, int N) {
        unordered_map<int, unordered_map<int, int>> graph;
        unordered_map<int, bool> visited;
        priority_queue<Node, vector<Node>, MyCmp> pq;

        //build graph
        for (vector<int> v : edges) {
            graph[v[0]][v[1]] = v[2];
            graph[v[1]][v[0]] = v[2];

        int result = 0;
        Node head(0, 0);

        while (!pq.empty()) {
            Node cur = pq.top();
            int src = cur.src;
            int move = cur.move;
            if (move > M) break;

            //may be duplicated
            if (visited[src]) continue;
            visited[src] = true;

            //travel array
            for (auto& it : graph[src]) {
                int dst = it.first;
                int weight = it.second;
                int nextMove = move + weight + 1;
                if (visited[dst]) {
                    result += min(M - move, graph[src][dst]);
                } else {
                    if (nextMove > M) {
                        result += M - move;
                        graph[dst][src] -= M - move;
                    } else {
                        result += weight;
                        graph[dst][src] = 0;
                        Node next(dst, nextMove);

        return result;


class Solution(object):
    def reachableNodes(self, edges, M, N):
        :type edges: List[List[int]]
        :type M: int
        :type N: int
        :rtype: int
        # hashmap
        graph = {}
        visited = {}
        pq = []
        result = 0
        for i in range(N):
            graph[i] = {}

        for i, j, l in edges:
            graph[i][j] = graph[j][i] = l

        # print graph

        heapq.heappush(pq, (0, 0))
        while pq:
            move, src = heapq.heappop(pq)
            # print move, "==", src
            if move > M:

            if src in visited:

            visited[src] = 1
            result = result + 1

            for dst in graph[src]:
                weight = graph[src][dst]
                next_move = move + weight + 1
                if dst in visited:
                    result += min(M - move, graph[src][dst])
                    if next_move > M:
                        result += M - move
                        graph[dst][src] -= M - move
                        result += weight
                        graph[dst][src] = 0
                        heapq.heappush(pq, (next_move, dst))

        return result


时间: 2024-10-15 21:46:22

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