January 07th, 2018 Week 01st Sunday

To remember is to disengage from the present.


To remember the past doesn‘t mean we would disengage from the present.

For most of us, the present is always the extension of the past, we can‘t easily make a clean break with our past.

The present is fresh, full of contradictions and conflicts, having strong links of the past, but also pointing to the future, in the state of constant changing.

We shouldn‘t just focus on the past and let it catch up with the present, if we live the present in that way, we will have no future.

The best way to remember is not to look back in sorrow, but to move ahead with determination.

For me, the past always failed to match with my original expectations, and I know the very reasons leading to that.

Hold on to the past mistakes or create a new era that belongs to us?

The answer is obvious. So, if we want to change, please act now, without a delay.

To make pleasures pleasant, shorten them.


From Charles Buxton.

I think I am really a sluggard, I alway want to stay in the warm bed the whole day in the weekends, for it is terribly cold outside these days.

However, after struggling to get up, I feel very upset, why not get up a little earlier and spend those time in enjoying the life, like doing some reading or coding for my own project?

Achievements result from discipline and persistent practice.

I know, I know, but I seldom follow these simple dogmas in my life.


时间: 2024-08-30 16:28:15

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