当 Visual Studio 扩展遇到错误时

我是遇到了 Github 扩展经常在 Visual Studio 启动时报错,找了一下可以尝试以下方法:


然后删除 %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_{some ID}\privateregistry.bin 和 privateregistry.user.bin 两个文件





Thanks to the Jetbrains guys I found the solution. Try this if you have the same problem:

By the way I had to proceed in a slighly different way:

- uninstall R# and JustMock (even the Telerik.JustMock.VS2017.vsix which is the VS extension saved in the Telerik folder)

- delete %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_{some ID}\privateregistry.bin and privateregistry.user.bin file (please backup them first)

- reinstall R# and JustMock (also the Telerik.JustMock.VS2017.vsix which is the VS extension saved in the Telerik folder)

- start Visual Studio and both problems should be solved


时间: 2024-10-14 02:48:35

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