关于 sql server sqlcmd 异常捕捉 %errorlevel%

  • 基本语法
  • 关键看-b on error batch abort 和 -m errorlevel


@echo off
cd %cd%
@echo current directory is %cd%
@echo start testing
@echo good example
rem good sql
sqlcmd -E -dmaster -Q%1 -W -b -m-1 -h-1 -s^|
rem if the query or batch file abort
@if %errorlevel%==1  goto b1
@if %errorlevel%==0  goto g1
rem if finished
echo run example1 successful, errorlevel=%errorlevel%
goto exit1
rem error message
@echo run example1 failed, errorlevel=%errorlevel%
goto exit1
rem exit1
echo exit
  • 测试
  • straxsql.bat
  • @echo off
    @REM ******** ******** General Batch for Starting SQL ******** ********
    @REM %1 is the name of SQL script file
    @rem SET SQL_NAME=%1
    @SET SQL_NAME=%1
    @SHIFT /1
    @REM SHIFT /1
    @REM P1... is parameters of SQLCMD,P1=%1...
    @rem c for count
    @set /a c=0
    @rem ******** ******** parameters for sql server login ******** ********
    rem @set svrName=ryemsqapaxdb1.na.avonet.net
    rem @set uname=batchap
    rem @set upwd=1qaz2WSX
    rem @set db=apoms
    @set s= %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
    @FOR %%A IN (%s%) DO @set /a c=c+1
    @if %c%==9  goto s9
    @if %c%==8  goto s8
    @if %c%==7  goto s7
    @if %c%==6  goto s6
    @if %c%==5  goto s5
    @if %c%==4  goto s4
    @if %c%==3  goto s3
    @if %c%==2  goto s2
    @if %c%==1  goto s1
    @if %c%==0  goto s0
    sqlcmd -E -dmaster -W -b -m-1 -h-1 -s^| -i %SQL_NAME% -l60 -v P1=%1 P2=%2  p3=%3 p4=%4 p5=%5 p6=%6 p=%7 p8=%8 p9=%9
    @goto end
    sqlcmd -E -dmaster -W -b -m-1 -h-1 -s^| -i %SQL_NAME% -l60 -v P1=%1 P2=%2  p3=%3 p4=%4 p5=%5 p6=%6 p=%7 p8=%8
    @goto end
    sqlcmd -E -dmaster -W -b -m-1 -h-1 -s^| -i %SQL_NAME% -l60 -v P1=%1 P2=%2  p3=%3 p4=%4 p5=%5 p6=%6 p=%7
    @goto end
    sqlcmd -E -dmaster -W -b -m-1 -h-1 -s^| -i %SQL_NAME% -l60 -v P1=%1 P2=%2  p3=%3 p4=%4 p5=%5 p6=%6
    @goto end
    sqlcmd -E -dmaster -W -b -m-1 -h-1 -s^| -i %SQL_NAME% -l60 -v P1=%1 P2=%2  p3=%3 p4=%4 p5=%5
    @goto end
    sqlcmd -E -dmaster -W -b -m-1 -h-1 -s^| -i %SQL_NAME% -l60 -v P1=%1 P2=%2  p3=%3 p4=%4
    @goto end
    sqlcmd -E -dmaster -W -b -m-1 -h-1 -s^| -i %SQL_NAME% -l60 -v P1=%1 P2=%2  p3=%3
    @goto end
    sqlcmd -E -dmaster -W -b -m-1 -h-1 -s^| -i %SQL_NAME% -l60 -v P1=%1 P2=%2
    @goto end
    sqlcmd -E -dmaster -W -b -m-1 -h-1 -s^| -i %SQL_NAME% -l60 -v P1=%1
    @goto end
    sqlcmd -E -dmaster -W -b -m-1 -h-1 -s^| -i %SQL_NAME% -l60
    @goto end
    @if %errorlevel%==1  goto bad
    @if %errorlevel%==0  goto good
    @goto exit
    @echo file %SQL_NAME% ran failed
    @goto exit
    @echo file %SQL_NAME% ran successfully
    @goto exit
    @echo exit 

    case 1

  1. case2
时间: 2024-07-30 10:17:59

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